This article mainly introduces examples of using reflection to insert objects in PHP. Friends in need can refer to it
The code is as follows: /** * InsertModel(), using reflection, slightly less efficient * @param class $model object * @param bool $is_returnLastInsertId whether to return the added ID * @return int Default returns success or failure, $is_returnLastInsertId is true, returns the added ID */ Public function insertModel($model,$is_returnLastInsertId=FALSE) { try { require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'ModelsBaseModel.php'; if(!is_subclass_of($model, "BaseModel")){ exit($this->getError(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__)); } $className=get_class($model); $tName = $this->formatTabName($className); $reflectionClass=new ReflectionClass($className); $properties=$reflectionClass->getProperties(); unset($properties[0]); $fields=""; $vals=""; foreach ($properties as $property) { $pName=$property->getName(); $fields.=$pName.","; $vals.='''.$model->$pName.'''.','; } $fields=rtrim($fields,','); $vals=rtrim($vals,','); $this->sql = "insert into {$tName} ({$fields}) values ({$vals})"; if($is_returnLastInsertId){ $this->conn->exec($this->sql); $lastId = (int)$this->conn->lastInsertId(); return $lastId; } else { $row = $this->conn->exec($this->sql); return $row; } } catch (Exception $exc) { echo $exc->getMessage(); } } }