PHPl uses DOM XML to operate XML [Summary]_PHP tutorial

Release: 2016-07-13 10:37:23
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1. Preface

XML has a distinct tree-like hierarchical structure and is very suitable as a configuration file. DOM XML can be used in PHP to manipulate XML. This article summarizes how PHP uses DOM XML to create, add nodes, and query XML files.
2. Use DOM XML
Nodes in XML are divided into elements and text. The DOMDocument type is a document type and provides member functions and attributes for operating elements and text.
DOMDocument class is as follows:
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DOMDocument extends DOMNode {
/* Properties */
readonly public string $actualEncoding ;
readonly public DOMConfiguration $config ;
readonly public DOMDocumentType $doctype ;
readonly public DOMElement $documentElement ;
public string $documentURI ;
public string $encoding ;
public bool $formatOutput ;
readonly public DOMImplementation $implementation ;
public bool $preserveWhiteSpace =true ;
public bool $recover ;
public bool $resolveExternals ;
public bool $standalone ;
public bool $strictErrorChecking =true ;
public bool $substituteEntities ;
public bool $validateOnParse =false ;
public string $version ;
readonly public string $xmlEncoding ;
public bool $xmlStandalone ;
public string $xmlVersion ;
/* Methods */
__construct ([ string $version [, string $encoding ]] )
DOMAttr createAttribute ( string $name )
DOMAttr createAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $qualifiedName )
DOMCDATASection createCDATASection ( string $data )
DOMComment createComment ( string $data )
DOMDocumentFragment createDocumentFragment (void)
DOMElement createElement ( string $name [, string $value ] )
DOMElement createElementNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $qualifiedName [, string $value ] )
DOMEntityReference createEntityReference ( string $name )
DOMProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction ( string $target [, string $data ] )
DOMText createTextNode ( string $content )
DOMElement getElementById ( string $elementId )
DOMNodeList getElementsByTagName ( string $name )
DOMNodeList getElementsByTagNameNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
DOMNode importNode ( DOMNode $importedNode [, bool $deep ] )
mixed load ( string $filename [, int $options=0 ] )
bool loadHTML ( string $source )
bool loadHTMLFile ( string $filename )
mixed loadXML ( string $source [, int $options=0 ] )
void normalizeDocument ( void )
bool registerNodeClass ( string $baseclass , string $extendedclass )
bool relaxNGValidate ( string $filename )
bool relaxNGValidateSource ( string $source )
int save ( string $filename [, int $options ] )
string saveHTML (void)
int saveHTMLFile ( string $filename )
string saveXML ([ DOMNode $node [, int $options ]] )
bool schemaValidate ( string $filename )
bool schemaValidateSource ( string $source )
bool validate (void)
int xinclude ([ int $options ] )
/* Inherited methods */
DOMNode DOMNode::appendChild ( DOMNode $newnode )
DOMNode DOMNode::cloneNode ([ bool $deep ] )
bool DOMNode::hasAttributes (void)
bool DOMNode::hasChildNodes (void)
DOMNode DOMNode::insertBefore ( DOMNode $newnode [, DOMNode $refnode ] )
bool DOMNode::isDefaultNamespace ( string $namespaceURI )
bool DOMNode::isSameNode ( DOMNode $node )
bool DOMNode::isSupported ( string $feature , string $version )
string DOMNode::lookupNamespaceURI ( string $prefix )
string DOMNode::lookupPrefix ( string $namespaceURI )
void DOMNode::normalize ( void )
DOMNode DOMNode::removeChild ( DOMNode $oldnode )
DOMNode DOMNode::replaceChild ( DOMNode $newnode , DOMNode $oldnode )
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The element node class DOMElement type is defined as follows:
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1 DOMElement extends DOMNode {
2 /* Properties */
3 readonly public bool $schemaTypeInfo ;
4 readonly public string $tagName ;
5 /* Methods */
6 __construct ( string $name [, string $value [, string $namespaceURI ]] )
7 string getAttribute ( string $name )
8 DOMAttr getAttributeNode ( string $name )
9 DOMAttr getAttributeNodeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
10 string getAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
11 DOMNodeList getElementsByTagName ( string $name )
12 DOMNodeList getElementsByTagNameNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
13 bool hasAttribute ( string $name )
14 bool hasAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
15 bool removeAttribute ( string $name )
16 bool removeAttributeNode ( DOMAttr $oldnode )
17 bool removeAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName )
18 DOMAttr setAttribute ( string $name , string $value )
19 DOMAttr setAttributeNode ( DOMAttr $attr )
20 DOMAttr setAttributeNodeNS ( DOMAttr $attr )
21 void setAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $qualifiedName , string $value )
22 void setIdAttribute ( string $name , bool $isId )
23 void setIdAttributeNode ( DOMAttr $attr , bool $isId )
24 void setIdAttributeNS ( string $namespaceURI , string $localName , bool $isId )
25 /* Inherited methods */
26 DOMNode DOMNode::appendChild ( DOMNode $newnode )
27 DOMNode DOMNode::cloneNode ([ bool $deep ] )
28 bool DOMNode::hasAttributes ( void )
29 bool DOMNode::hasChildNodes ( void )
30 DOMNode DOMNode::insertBefore ( DOMNode $newnode [, DOMNode $refnode ] )
31 bool DOMNode::isDefaultNamespace ( string $namespaceURI )
32 bool DOMNode::isSameNode ( DOMNode $node )
33 bool DOMNode::isSupported ( string $feature , string $version )
34 string DOMNode::lookupNamespaceURI ( string $prefix )
35 string DOMNode::lookupPrefix ( string $namespaceURI )
36 void DOMNode::normalize ( void )
37 DOMNode DOMNode::removeChild ( DOMNode $oldnode )
38 DOMNode DOMNode::replaceChild ( DOMNode $newnode , DOMNode $oldnode )
39 }
DOMText extends DOMCharacterData {
/* Properties */
readonly public string $wholeText ;
/* Methods */
__construct ([ string $value ] )
bool isWhitespaceInElementContent ( void )
DOMText splitText ( int $offset )
/* Inherited methods */
void DOMCharacterData::appendData ( string $data )
void DOMCharacterData::deleteData ( int $offset , int $count )
void DOMCharacterData::insertData ( int $offset , string $data )
void DOMCharacterData::replaceData ( int $offset , int $count , string $data )
string DOMCharacterData::substringData ( int $offset , int $count )
DOMNode {
/* Properties */
public readonly string $nodeName ;
public string $nodeValue ;
public readonly int $nodeType ;
public readonly DOMNode $parentNode ;
public readonly DOMNodeList $childNodes ;
public readonly DOMNode $firstChild ;
public readonly DOMNode $lastChild ;
public readonly DOMNode $previousSibling ;
public readonly DOMNode $nextSibling ;
public readonly DOMNamedNodeMap $attributes ;
public readonly DOMDocument $ownerDocument ;
public readonly string $namespaceURI ;
public string $prefix ;
public readonly string $localName ;
public readonly string $baseURI ;
public string $textContent ;
/* Methods */
DOMNode appendChild ( DOMNode $newnode )
DOMNode cloneNode ([ bool $deep ] )
bool hasAttributes ( void )
bool hasChildNodes ( void )
DOMNode insertBefore ( DOMNode $newnode [, DOMNode $refnode ] )
bool isDefaultNamespace ( string $namespaceURI )
bool isSameNode ( DOMNode $node )
bool isSupported ( string $feature , string $version )
string lookupNamespaceURI ( string $prefix )
string lookupPrefix ( string $namespaceURI )
void normalize ( void )
DOMNode removeChild ( DOMNode $oldnode )
DOMNode replaceChild ( DOMNode $newnode , DOMNode $oldnode )
  3 const INDEX_FILE_NAME = "student_file_index.xml";
  5 //文件索引类
  6 class file_index
  7 {
  8   public function set_file_index($file_name, $cur_count, $total_count)
  9   {
 10     $this->file_name = $file_name;
 11     $this->cur_count = $cur_count;
 12     $this->total_count = $total_count;
 13   }
 14   public function get_file_name()
 15   {
 16     return $this->file_name;
 17   }
 18   public function get_cur_count()
 19   {
 20     return $this->cur_count;
 21   }
 22   public function get_total_count()
 23   {
 24     return $this->total_count;
 25   }
 27   private $file_name;  //文件名
 28   private $cur_count;  //当前记录数
 29   private $total_count; //总记录数
 30 }
 32 function create_file_index(array $params)
 33 {
 34   $index = new file_index();
 35   $index->set_file_index($params['file_name'], 
 36       $params['cur_count'], $params['total_count']);
 37   return $index;
 38 }
 40 function create_file_node(DOMDocument $doc, file_index $index)
 41 {
 42   //创建一个file元素
 43   $file = $doc->createElement("file");
 44   //创建一个属性元素
 45   $name_attr = $doc->createAttribute("name");
 46   //将该属性添加到file元素上
 47   $file->appendChild($name_attr);
 49   //创建一个文本元素
 50   $file_name = $doc->createTextNode($index->get_file_name());
 51   //将文本元素添加name_attr属性上
 52   $name_attr->appendChild($file_name);
 54   //创建一个cur_count元素
 55   $cur_count = $doc->createElement("cur_count", strval($index->get_cur_count()));
 56   //将cur_count添加到file元素下
 57   $cur_count = $file->appendChild($cur_count);
 59   //创建一个total_count元素
 60   $total_count = $doc->createElement("total_count",
 61       strval($index->get_total_count()));
 62   //将total_count添加到file元素下
 63   $total_count = $file->appendChild($total_count);
 65   return $file;
 66 }
 68 function create_index_file($index_file_name, array $params)
 69 {
 70   //创建一个文档
 71   $doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8");
 72   //创建根元素
 73   $root = $doc->createElement("index");
 74   $root = $doc->appendChild($root);
 76   //创建一个索引结构
 77   $index = create_file_index($params);
 78   $file = create_file_node($doc, $index);
 80   //将file看到根元素下 
 81   $root->appendChild($file);
 82   $doc->save($index_file_name);
 83   return true;    
 84 }
 86 function add_index_file($index_file_name, array $params)
 87 {
 88   //创建一个文档
 89   $doc = new DOMDocument();
 90   //加载xml文件
 91   $doc->load($index_file_name);
 92   //获取index元素列表
 93   $node_list = $doc->getElementsByTagName('index');
 94   //获取根元素
 95   $root = $node_list->item(0);
 96   //创建一个索引结构
 97   $index = create_file_index($params);
 98   $file = create_file_node($doc, $index);
 99   //将file看到根元素下 
100 $root->appendChild($file);
101 $doc->save($index_file_name);
104 function traverse_file_index($index_file_name)
105 {
106 $file_index = array();
107 $doc = new DOMDocument();
108 $doc->load($index_file_name);
109 //Get file element collection
110 $file_list = $doc->getElementsByTagName('file');
111 //Get cur_count element collection
112 $cur_count_list = $doc->getElementsByTagName('cur_count');
113 //Get the total_count element collection
114 $total_count_list = $doc->getElementsByTagName('total_count');
115 for ($i = 0; $i < $file_list->length; $i++) {
116 $index = new file_index();
117 //Get the name attribute value of the file element
118 $file_name = $file_list->item($i)->attributes->getNamedItem("name")->nodeValue;
119 $index->set_file_index($file_name, $cur_count_list->item($i)->nodeValue,
120 $total_count_list->item($i)->nodeValue);
121 $file_index[$i] = $index;
122 }
124 return $file_index;
127 /*****************for test*********************/
128 $params = array();
129 $index_file_name = INDEX_FILE_NAME;
131 if (file_exists($index_file_name)) {
132 $params['file_name'] = "student_info_2014_02_12";
133 $params['cur_count'] = 10;
134 $params['total_count'] = 10;
135 echo "Add index to file.n";
136 add_index_file($index_file_name, $params);
137 }
138 else {
139 $params['file_name'] = "student_info_2014_02_11";
140 $params['cur_count'] = 23;
141 $params['total_count'] = 33;
142 echo "Create index file.n";
143 create_index_file($index_file_name, $params);
146 //Test reading xm file
147 echo "Read index content from ".$index_file_name."n";
148 echo "file_nametttcur_countttotal_count.n";
149 $file_index = traverse_file_index($index_file_name);
150 foreach($file_index as $index) {
151 echo $index->get_file_name();
152 echo "tt ";
153 echo $index->get_cur_count();
154 echo strval($cur_count);
155 echo "tt ";
156 echo $index->get_total_count();
157 echo "n";

www.bkjia.comtruehttp: // Foreword XML has a clear tree-like hierarchical structure and is very suitable as a configuration file. DOM XML can be used in PHP to manipulate XML. This article summarizes how PHP uses DOM XML to create, add nodes, and query XML files...
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