php GD library
php uses the GD library to generate thumbnails. Code:
"file" name= "pic" />
"submit" value= "Upload 1" />
header("content-type:text/html;charset=gbk" );
ini_set ( "date.timezone" , "Asia/chong" );
if ( empty ( $_FILES )){
echo "The uploaded file is too large" ;
exit ;
if ( $_FILES [ 'pic' ][ 'error' ]){
echo "Upload file" ;
exit ;
$allowtype = array ( "jpg" , "png" , "jpeg" , "gif" );
$a = explode ( '.' , $_FILES [ 'pic' ][ 'name' ]);
$index = count ( $a )-1;
$ex = strtolower ( $a [ $index ]);
if (!in_array( $ex , $allowtype ) ){
echo "Illegal file upload" ;
exit ;
$file = date ( 'YmdHis' ).rand (). "." . $ex ;
$src = $_FILES [ 'pic' ][ 'tmp_name' ];
$des = "upload/" . $file ;
$rs =move_uploaded_file( $src , $des ) ;
$image =imagecreatefromjpeg( $des );
$a = getimagesize ( $des ); >
$w = $a [0];
$h = $a [1];
if ( $w > $h ){
$width =300;
$height = $width / $w * $h ;
}else if ( $w < $h ){
$height =300;
$width = $height / $h * $w ;
}else {
$width =300;
$height =300;
//Create a new blank image
$newimage =imagecreatetruecolor( $width , $height ) ;
//copy source image content copy new image
imagecopyresized($newimage , $image , 0,0, 0,0, $ width , $height , $w , $h );
$filename = "upload/s_" . $file ;
imagejpeg($newimage , $filename ); true http: // TechArticle php GD library php uses the GD library to generate thumbnails. Code: formmethod= "post" action= "suo_do.php" enctype= "multipart/form-data" inputtype= "file" name= "pic" / inputtype= "submit" value=...