There are many ways to verify email addresses. On the browser side, js email verification can be detected through regular expressions.
For example:
Copy code The code is as follows:
function isEmail(email) {
return /^( (([a-z]|d|[!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~]|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF])+(.([a-z]|d| [!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~]|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF])+)*)|((x22)((((x20|x09)* (x0dx0a))?(x20|x09)+)?(([x01-x08x0bx0cx0e-x1fx7f]|x21|[x23-x5b]|[x5d-x7e]|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF])|(\ ([x01-x09x0bx0cx0d-x7f]|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF])))*(((x20|x09)*(x0dx0a))?(x20|x09)+)?(x22)))@ ((([a-z]|d|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF])|(([a-z]|d|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF])([a-z]|d|-|.|_ |~|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF])*([a-z]|d|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF]))).)+(([a-z]|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF ])|(([a-z]|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF])([a-z]|d|-|.|_|~|[u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF])*([a-z]| [u00A0-uD7FFuF900-uFDCFuFDF0-uFFEF])))$/i.test(email);
The call is very simple:
Copy code The code is as follows:
if (isEmail('')){ console.log( 'This is email is valid'); }
If it is server-side verification. Like php, the simplest one is:
Copy code The code is as follows:
* Email address legality verification
function isEmail($mail_address) {
return filter_var($mail_address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
But this matter can also be complicated.
Like this one. He established a complete system of email address verification websites. I guess few people do this.
To be honest, I have to admire it. // are many ways to verify email addresses. On the browser side, js email verification can be detected through regular expressions. For example: Copy the code The code is as follows: function isEmail(email) { return /^((([a...