As a result of the php environment I just configured today, php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dll cannot be loaded when php starts. There is no problem with my configuration. Now I will introduce to you how to solve the problem that php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dll cannot be loaded. .
When I started the php environment today, I found that the mysql module function could not be used and the website returned a 500 error. Check the error log under apache. Found the following error message:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'D:/wwwserver/php/ext//php_mysql.dll' - /xd5/xd2/xb2/xbb/xb5/xbd/xd6/xb8/ xb6/xa8/xb5/xc4/xc4/xa3/xbf/xe9/xa1/xa3/r/n in Unknown on line 0
This means that php did not successfully load the file php_mysql.dll
First of all, make sure that the extension_dir value in the php configuration file php.ini is filled in correctly. It is best to use an absolute address.
extension_dir = "D:/wwwserver/php/ext"
If other dlls are loaded successfully, but php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dll are not loaded successfully.
can be solved by the following two methods:
(1). Copy libmysql.dll in the php directory to the bin subdirectory in the apache directory
(2). Add the following paragraph to the apache configuration file httpd.conf
LoadFile "D:/wwwserver/php/libmysql.dll"
ps: The above code LoadFile "D:/wwwserver/php/libmysql.dll" where "D:/wwwserver/php/" is the directory of php
ps: It still doesn’t work after restarting. It may be a version problem. For example, do not use the vc9 version of php under apache. For newbies, I recommend the next one-click installation package
Attached is another solution
Under apache
For example, my apache is installed on drive D, and the directory is D:/severs/apache
The PHP directory is D:/servers/php5
In this way, copy D:/servers/php5/libmysql.dll to the directory D:/servers/apache/bin
Restart apache and the problem is solved! ~~
Copy libmysql.dll in the php directory to the c:/windows/system32/ directory, and then restart iis. If it prompts that it is in use, you can stop iis first (iisreset /stop)
Of course, the same solution applies to other dll files. Generally, you need to check the php directory permissions first. Generally, everyone can read it, browse and run it.