This article will introduce to you a PHP paging program code for paginator. Friends in need can enter it for reference.
The code is as follows | Copy code |
class paginator { Function __construct () { } static function render($page_type, array $args = array()) { $html = ''; switch ($page_type) case '1': $html = page_1($channel_code, $page_num, $cur_page, $per_group, $base_url, $n, $v); break; case '2': $html = fpage($row_num, $pagesize, $page, $url); break; case '3': break; default: $html = page($num, $perpage, $curpage, $mpurl, $hiddenFrom=''); } return $html; } //Function 1: Generate paging navigation based on the total number of pages, current page, page grouping and url Function page_1($channel_code, $page_num, $cur_page, $per_group, $base_url, $n, $v) { //Paging function parameter list (how many pages, current page, how many per page, link address) $base_url .= strpos($base_url, '?') ? '&' : '?'; //If there is ?, add &, otherwise add ? $page_val = ""; If ($page_num < 1) { return $page_val; //If less than 1, return empty } elseif ($page_num == 1) { return $page_val = 1; //If equal to 1, return 1 } //Group $group_ok = !(($page_num-1) % ($per_group-1)); //No remainder // Calculate how many groups there are in total If($group_ok) { $group_num = ($page_num-1)/($per_group-1); }else { $group_num = ceil(($page_num-1) / ($per_group-1)); } //Determine whether the current page is the last one in a group //Number of groups $is_last_page = !(($cur_page-1) % ($per_group-1)); //Calculate the number of groups currently in If ($is_last_page) { $cur_group = ($cur_page-1) / ($per_group-1) + 1; } else { $cur_group = ceil(($cur_page-1) / ($per_group-1)); } // Calculate the displayed starting page, this key $from = ($cur_group - 1) * ($per_group-1) + 1; $from = $cur_group <= 1 ? 1 :$from; $to = $from + $per_group; $to = $to > $page_num ? $page_num + 1 : $to; for($a = $from; $a < $to; $a++) { If ($a != $cur_page) { //Not the current page $page_val .= ' } else { //Current page $page_val .=' } } //Previous pageNext pageHome pageLast page $ Next = $ Cur_page + 1; // The current page +1 $prev = $cur_page-1; //Current page-1 If ($cur_page != $page_num) { //The current page is not the last page $page_val .= '' . 'Next page' . ''; $page_val .= '' . '>>' . ''; //Last page } If ($cur_page != 1){ //Not the first page, add the previous content $page_val = '' . 'Previous page' . '' . $page_val; $page_val = ' ' . '<<' . '' . $page_val; //Homepage } $page_val = '
return $page_val; } // Function 2: Divide pages into pages based on the number of records, page list, current page, and url year Function fpage($row_num, $pagesize, $page, $url) { //$page, current page; $row_num total number of records; $pagesize: number of records per page; $url record page; //If, if there is a calculation, add 1 $page_count = $row_num % $pagesize?intval($row_num / $pagesize) + 1:intval($row_num / $pagesize); If ($page_count == 1) { $page_string = "First page|Previous page|Next page|Last page"; } else { //If there is more than one page If ($page == 1) { //The first page displays $page_string = " First page|Previous page| Next page| Last page"; If (($page > 1) and ($page < $page_count)) { $page_string = " First page| Previous page| ($page + 1) . ">Next page| Last page"; If ($page == $page_count) { $page_string = " First page| Previous page|Next page| Last page"; } $page_str = $page_string . ("," . $page . "/" . $page_count . "page"); echo " " . $page_str . " ";} /** *Paging function * * @param int $num: total number of records * @param int $perpage: records per page * @param int $curpage: current page * @param string $mpurl: path url * @param unknown_type $hiddenFrom * @return string */ Function page($num, $perpage, $curpage, $mpurl,$hiddenFrom='') { $multipage = ''; //Restore $mpurl .= strpos($mpurl, '?') ? '&' : '?'; If($num > $perpage) { $page = 10; $offset = 2; $pages = @ceil($num / $perpage); //Total number of pages If($page > $pages) { $from = 1; $to = $pages; } else { //If the total number of pages>10 $from = $curpage - $offset; //Current page-2 $to = $from + $page - 1; //Current page +10-3 If($from < 1) { $to = $curpage + 1 - $from; $from = 1; if($to - $from < $page) { $to = $page; } } elseif($to > $pages) { $from = $pages - $page + 1; $to = $pages; } } if ($hiddenFrom) { $multipage = ($curpage - $offset > 1 && $pages > $page ? '首页 ' : ''). ($curpage > 1 ? ' ‹‹上一页 ' : ''); for($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) { $multipage .= $i == $curpage ? ''.$i.' ' : ''.$i.' '; } $multipage .= ($curpage < $pages ? '下一页››' : ''). ($to < $pages ? ' 末页' : ''); $multipage = $multipage ? ' '.$multipage.' ' : ''; } else { $multipage = ($curpage - $offset > 1 && $pages > $page ? '首页 ' : ''). ($curpage > 1 ? ' ‹‹上一页 ' : ''); for($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) { $multipage .= $i == $curpage ? ''.$i.' ' : ''.$i.' '; } $multipage .= ($curpage < $pages ? '下一页››' : ''). ($to < $pages ? ' 末页' : ''); $multipage = $multipage ? ' '.$multipage.' ' : ''; } } return $multipage; } //暂不用 function page_get_start($page, $ppp, $totalnum) { $totalpage = ceil($totalnum / $ppp); $page = max(1, min($totalpage, intval($page))); return ($page - 1) * $ppp; } //暂不用 function js_page($hiddenFrom,$page) { if ($hiddenFrom) { return ' onclick=javascript:$("#page").val("'.$page.'");$("#'.$hiddenFrom.'").submit(); '; } } } ?> |