* ecshop jpgraph chart library
* ================================================= =============
* Use the open source jpgraph library to display various types of data in the form of charts and trend charts.
* ================================================= =============
**/class cls_jpgraph
var $db = null;
var $ydata = array();
var $width = 350;
var $height = 250;var $graph = ''; //Graphic object
var $piegraph = ''; //Piegraph graphvar $lineplot = ''; //Linear object
var $barpot = ''; //Bar object
var $gbplat = ''; //Column group object
var $txt = ''; //Text object
var $p1 = ''; //Program objectvar $scale = ''; //Chart type? (textlin, textlog, intlin)
var $yscale = ''; // (log,)
var $xgrid = false; //x-axis grid display
var $ygrid = false; //Y-axis grid display
var $title = ''; //Title
var $subtitle = ''; //Subtitle (usually date)
var $xaxis = ''; //x-axis name
var $yaxis = ''; //y-axis name/*margin position*/
var $left = 0;
var $right = 0;
var $top = 0;
var $bottom = 0;/**
function cls_jpgraph($width=350,$height=250)
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;$this->graph = new graph($this->width,$this->height);
*Constructor of chart class library
function __construct($parms,$width,$height)
*//*Basic picture information settings*/
function set_jpgraph($scale='intlin',$title='',$subtitle='',$bgcolor='',$xaxis='',
$yaxis='',$xgrid=false,$ygrid=false,$margin='') {$this->scale = $scale;
$this->title = $title;
$this->subtitle = $subtitle;
$this->xaxis = $xaxis;
$this->yaxis = $yaxis;
$this->xgrid = $xgrid;
$this->ygrid = $ygrid;if(!empty($scale)) {
else {
$this->graph->ygrid->show($this->ygrid,$this->ygrid);if(!empty($bgcolor)) {
}/*If the image position is set manually*/
if(is_array($margin)) {
while(list($key,$val) = each($margin)) {
$this->$key = $val;
}if(!empty($this->title)) {
if(!empty($this->subtitle)) {
else {
$this->graph->subtitle->set('('.date('y-m-d').')'); //The default subtitle is set to the current date
if(!empty($this->xaxis)) {
if(!empty($this->yaxis)) {
/*创建线性关系图表(linear plot)*/
function create_lineplot($parms,$color='black',$weight=1)
$this->ydata = $parms;
$this->lineplot = new lineplot($this->ydata);
$this->lineplot->setweight($weight);return $this->lineplot;
}/*创建柱状图表(bar pot)*/
function create_barpot($parms,$color='black',$width='0')
$this->ydata = $parms;
$this->barpot = new barplot($this->ydata);
if(!empty($width)) {
}return $this->barpot;
function create_bargroup($plotarr,$width='0.8')
$this->gbplot = new groupbarplot($plotarr);
$this->gbplot->setwidth($width);return $this->gbplot;
function create_text($str,$postion='',$color='black')
$this->txt = new text($str);if(is_array($postion)) {
while(list($key,$val) = each($postion)) {
$this->$key = $val;
else {
function create_pie($parms,$title,$type='3d',$size='0.5',$center='0.5',$width='350',$height='250')
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;$this->piegraph = new piegraph(300,200);
if('3d' != $type) {
$this->p1 = new pieplot($parms);
else {
$this->p1 = new pieplot3d($parms);
// $this->p1->setlegends($gdatelocale->getshortmonth());
}function get_auth_code($length=4)
$spam = new antispam();
$chars = $spam->rand($length);if( $spam->stroke() === false ) {
return false;
}return $chars;
function display($obj)