Multiple ways to randomly display images in php_PHP tutorial
Jul 13, 2016 am 10:46 AM<?
$handle = opendir('./'); //Current directory
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { //Traverse the directory where the php tutorial file is located
list($filesname,$kzm)=explode(".",$file);//Get the extension
if ($kzm=="gif" or $kzm=="jpg") { //File filtering
if (!is_dir('./'.$file)) { //Folder filtering
$array[]=$file;//Save the file names that meet the conditions into the array
$suiji=array_rand($array); //Use array_rand function to randomly extract a unit from the array
<img src="<?=$array[$suiji]?>">
Example 2
* Filename : img.php
* Author : freemouse
* web : * email
* Date : 2010/12/27
* Usage:
* <img src=img.php>
* <img src=img.php?folder=images2/>
//The location where image files are stored
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/".$folder;
if ($handle=opendir("$path")) {
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if(substr($file,-3)=='gif' || substr($file,-3)=='jpg') $files[count($files)] = $file;
if(substr($files[$random],-3)=='gif') header("Content-type: image/gif");
elseif(substr($files[$random],-3)=='jpg') header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
readrand.php (This program actually generates a web page special effects language)
$arrayall=file("tp.txt"); Read the contents of tp.txt into array
if ($arrays==1){//because rand(0,0) is wrong
srand((double)microtime()*1000000);//Set random number seed
$exstr=explode(chr(9),$arrayall[$selectrand]);//Randomly pick one out of all and split
document.write('<a href="<? echo $exstr[1];?>" target="new"><img src="<? echo $exstr[2];?> ;" width="200" height="50" alt="<? echo $exstr[0];?>" ></a>');
HTML file
<script language='javascript' src='readrand.php'>
(You can put scripty where you need, and add the setTimeout() function to achieve regular refresh)
Random ad code
#########Random ad display##########
function myads(){
$dir="ads"; #Set the directory where records are stored
//$dir="ads"; #Set the directory where records are stored
$ads="$dir/ads.txt"; #Set advertising code file
$log ="$dir/ads.log"; #Set ip record file
$lines=count($ads_lines);#Total number of lines in the file
####Read the total number of ads $ads_count and the number of displays into the array $display_array########
for ($i=0;$i<$lines;$i++){
####Decided to randomly display the serial number $display_rand#####
$display_rand = rand(1,$display_count);
###Determine the advertising serial number $ads_num######
for($i=1; $i<=$ads_count; $i++) {
$pricount += $display_array[$i];
if ($display_rand<=$pricount) {$ads_num=$i;break;}
#####Play ads########
if(($flag==1)and strcmp($ads_lines[$i][0],"#")){echo $ads_lines[$i];continue;}
####Record the number of times ads are displayed#########
fputs($fp,date( "Y-m-d H:i:s " ).getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")."==>".$ads_num."n");
Advertising code file ads.txt
The following is the quoted content:
########Each ad code is separated by '#', display is the display weighting number, the larger the number, the more times it will be displayed ######
<a href="Advertising 1 connection address">
<img src=/images/banner/webjxcomad1.gif" alt="Advertisement 1"> </a>
<a href="Advertising 2 connection address" target=_blank>
<img src=images/banner/webjxcomad2.gif" width="468" height="60" alt="Ad 2" border="0"></a>

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