There are many aspects of setting up sessions in php, including setting values for sessions or directly setting expiration, expiration and validity periods. The following editor will introduce to you how to use them.
Let’s first take a look at how to set up session in php.ini
Open php.ini and look for the following item in the Session Settings section:
The code is as follows | Copy code | ||||
session.save_path = "C:/Temp" #The path you set here shall prevail |
代码如下 | 复制代码 |
session.save_path = "2;C:/Temp" |
The code is as follows | Copy code |
session.save_path = "2;C:/Temp"
Session expiration time setting
代码如下 | 复制代码 |
ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 3600); //设置时间 |
Continuing with the topic of Session in PHP, the life cycle of Session is mainly set in PHP by setting session.gc_maxlifetime. For example:
The code is as follows | Copy code | ||||
The code is as follows | Copy code |
function start_session($expire = 0)<🎜> {<🎜> If ($expire == 0) {<🎜> $expire = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');<🎜> } else {<🎜> ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $expire);<🎜> }<🎜> <🎜> if (empty($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])) {<🎜> Session_set_cookie_params($expire);<🎜> session_start();<🎜> } else {<🎜> session_start();<🎜> setcookie('PHPSESSID', session_id(), time() + $expire);<🎜> }<🎜> }<🎜> ?> |
How to use:
Add start_session(600); //Expires after 600 seconds.
How session never expires
Open the php.ini settings file
Change three lines as follows:
1. session.use_cookies
Set the value of this to 1 and use cookies to pass sessionid
2. session.cookie_lifetime
This represents the time that the SessionID is stored in the client cookie. The default is 0, which means that the SessionID will be invalidated as soon as the browser closes it... It is because of this that the PHP session cannot be used permanently! So let's set it to a number we think is big, how about 999999999, that's ok! that's all.
3. session.gc_maxlifetime
This is the time that Session data is stored on the server side. If this time is exceeded, the Session data will be automatically deleted! So let's also set it to 99999999.
That's it, everything is ok. Of course, if you don't believe it, just test it and see - set up a session and come back after 10 days and a half. If your computer does not have a power outage or downtime, you will still be able to see it. You can see this sessionid.
Of course, it is also possible that you do not have the authority to control the server and are not as lucky as me to be able to modify the php.ini settings. We have a way to rely on ourselves. Of course, we must use the client to store cookies, and get the sessionID Store it in the client's cookie, set the value of this cookie, and then pass this value to the session_id() function. The specific method is as follows:
The code is as follows
Copy code | ||||
isset($PHPSESSID)?session_id($PHPSESSID):$PHPSESSID = session_id();