Source: CCU's news group | Compiled and modified: Hunte | Date of collection: 2000-08-21
To export the mysqldump tool that uses MySQL, the basic usage is:
shell> mysqldump [OPTIONS] database [tables]
If you don't give any tables, the entire database will be exported.
By executing mysqldump --help, you can get a list of options supported by your version of mysqldump.
Note that if you run mysqldump without the --quick or --opt option, mysqldump will load the entire result set into memory before exporting the results, which may be a problem if you are exporting a large database.
mysqldump supports the following options:
Add LOCK TABLES before each table is exported and UNLOCK TABLE afterwards. (To make inserts into MySQL faster).
Add a drop table before each create statement.
Allows the creation of column names that are keywords. This is done by prefixing the table name to each column name.
-c, --complete-insert
Use the complete insert statement (using column names).
-C, --compress
If both client and server support compression, compress all information between them.
Insert rows using the INSERT DELAYED command.
-e, --extended-insert
Use the new multi-line INSERT syntax. (Given tighter and faster insert statements)
-#, --debug[=option_string]
Trace program usage (for debugging).
Display a help message and exit.
--fields -escaped-by=...
These options are used with the -T option and have the same meaning as the corresponding LOAD DATA INFILE clause.
-F, --flush-logs
Flushes the log files in the MySQL server before starting the export.
-f, --force,
Even if we get a SQL error during a table export, continue.
-h, --host=..
Export data from the MySQL server on the named host. The default host is localhost.
-l, --lock-tables.
Lock all tables to start the export.
-t, --no-create-info
Do not write table creation information (CREATE TABLE statement)
-d, --no-data
Do not write any row information of the table. This is useful if you just want to get an export of the structure of a table!
Same as --quick --add-drop-table --add-locks --extended-insert --lock-tables.
Should give you the fastest possible export for reading into a MySQL server.
-pyour_pass, --password[=your_pass] The password to use when connecting to the server. If you do not specify the "=your_pass" part, mysqldump requires the password from the terminal.