Here we can modify its login mode to http. In this way, you can continue to use it as long as the browser is not closed.
Take the php tutorial myadmin installed through apt-get in the Ubuntu environment as an example.
The document location is /etc/phpmyadmin/
Modify the document as follows:
The code is as follows:
if (!empty($dbname)) {
/* authentication type */
// $cfg['servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
//Reset login mode
$cfg['servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';
ps tutorial: In fact, many places on the Internet have mentioned that changing to http mode is enough, but why have I never succeeded? Because phpmyadmin has 3 documents, and I have only modified the documents in the phpmyadmin folder. The correct documentation is in /etc/phpmyadmin/