Solution to empty jpg file downloaded by php tutorial
Jpg format files, click to open in the browser and displayed as a red cross
The code is as follows:
$filetype = "image/pjpeg";
header("content-type: {$filetype}");
header("expires: 0");
header("cache-control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
header("pragma: public");
$file_content = file_get_contents($filepath);
echo $file_content;
First check whether there is any problem with the initial file
1. echo $filepath;
2. Open the file according to the complete path of the output file, no problem
Exclude the suspicion of the original file
Then check whether there are any problems during file reading
1. $filetype = "application/jpeg";
header("content-disposition: attachment; filename="{$headername}";");
Force file download
After downloading, I found that the file size is the same as the original file, but it is still empty after opening. It can be determined that there is a problem when the file is output
Use file_put_contents("d:aaa.jpg", file_get_contents($filepath)) to save the file to the server. The saved file can be opened
At this time I suspected that there was something wrong with the encoding when the file was output to the client
After a period of trouble, the problem was finally solved. The code is as follows:
header("content-type: {$filetype}");
header("expires: 0");
header("cache-control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
header("pragma: public");
//Add encoding settings here
header('content-transfer-encoding: binary');
//The most important thing here is to clear the output bytes
//This is equal to the two injected lines below, which can save code
//$file_content = file_get_contents($filepath);
//echo $file_content;
Attached is the explanation of ob_clean():
clean (erase) the output buffer
I understand ob_clean() is equal to response.clear() in .net;