Syntax: mixed preg_replace(mixed pattern, mixed replacement, mixed subject);
Return value: Mixed type data
Function type: Data processing
Content description: This function uses pattern rules to parse and compare the string subject, and the string to be replaced is the parameter replacement. The return value is mixed type data, which is the string result after substitution.
1. preg_replace()
$msg = preg_replace("//is", "", $msg); -----Delete and the middle ones Part
$msg = preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/", "", $msg); -----Delete <> and the content in between
If this modifier is set, characters in the pattern will match both uppercase and lowercase letters.
If this modifier is set, the dot metacharacter (.) in the pattern matches all characters, including newlines. Without this setting, newline characters are not included. This is equivalent to Perl's /s modifier. Excluded character classes such as [^a] always match newlines, regardless of whether this modifier is set.
2. ereg() and eregi()
Note: The preg_match() function is often a faster alternative to ereg()
]+)>(.+)",$data,$b)----Check whether there is a body tag in $data. If so, assign the parameter $b[0] and the middle part $b[1].bool ereg ( string pattern, string string [, array regs] )
int eregi ( string pattern, string string, array [regs] )
eregi() is similar to ereg() and has the same usage. The difference is that ereg() is case-sensitive, while eregi() is case-insensitive
//Comparison of the use of preg_replace() and ereg_replace() functions
// -------preg_replace()--------------------------
//1. Search and replace strings
$ Str = "Daoyu shi Ge hao hai Zi 5555";
$pattern = "/s/"; // An error will occur if the variable is defined as $pattern_1
echo $str."
//Method 1
echo $str."
//Note: If it is in the following form, you will find that the matching is: zi-, so it can be thought that in the case of {6} with a number of times, he ($1) matches the last time
echo $str."
$str = "daoyu-shi-ge-hao-hai-zi-5555";
echo $str."
//Note: When the regular expression is written as $pat= "/((w+)-){6}(d+)/i";, it is the same as the above situation