[Original] php+ajax implements simulated Win file management system
//This tutorial is original from this site, please indicate the source when reprinting
Author: www.drise.cn
We talked about the Deletefile() function above. Now let’s talk about the Createfolder() function
function Createfolder($path,$nname){
if(is_dir($path) && is_writable($path)){//Whether it is a directory and writable
if(preg_match("/^w{1,255}$/i",$nname)){//Determine the legality of the file
echo mkdir($path."/".$nname,0777)?'Create Folder success':'Create Folder Fail';//0777 is the setting file that can be read and written
echo "Folder Error";
echo "Can't Create Error file not is_writable or not dir";
The function of this function is to create a folder,
Past($path,$nname,$cpath) function
function Past($currentpath,$currentfilename,$filepote){ //1: The location where the file is to be pasted 2: The name of the current file {folder} 3: The physical address where the file {folder} is located
$str = substr($currentfilename,-1,1);
$currentfilename = str_replace("|","",$currentfilename);
$filepote = str_replace("|","",$filepote);
if(is_dir($currentpath) && is_writable($currentpath) && is_dir($filepote) && is_writable($filepote)){
$t=full_copy($filepote,$currentpath."/".$currentfilename)?'t':'f';//The full_copy function is followed below, which is to recursively read the folder
}else if(is_file($filepote) && file_exists($filepote)){
If(file_exists($currentpath.$currentfilename)){ echo ('file exists! place rename it!');exit;}
Echo copy($filepote,$currentpath.$currentfilename)?'success':'errror';
} if( $str == "|" && $t='t' ){
function full_copy( $source, $target )//This function comes from the php official website, and its function is to recursively copy files in folders
if ( is_dir( $source ) )
@mkdir( $target );
$d = dir( $source );
while ( FALSE !== ( $entry = $d->read() ) )
If ( $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' )
$Entry = $source . '/' . $entry;
If ( is_dir( $Entry ) )
full_copy( $Entry, $target . '/' . $entry );
copy( $Entry, $target . '/' . $entry );
}else {
copy( $source, $target );
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