//Public function
//Convert angles to radians
function deg2Arc($degrees) {
return($degrees * (pi()/180.0));
function getRGB($color){
$R=($color>>16) & 0xff;
$G=($color>>8) & 0xff;
$B=($color) & 0xff;
return (array($R,$G,$B));
// Obtain the center of the ellipse (0, 0) The value of the x, y point on the ellipse
function pie_point($deg,$va,$vb){
$x= cos(deg2Arc($deg)) * $va;
$y = sin(deg2Arc($deg)) * $vb;
return (array($x, $y));
//3D pie chart class
class Pie3d{
var $a; //The major semi-axis of the ellipse
var $b; //The minor semi-axis of the ellipse
var $DataArray; //The data of each sector
var $ColorArray; //The data of each sector The color requirements are written in hexadecimal but do not add 0x in front
//The edge and shadow are black
function Pie3d($pa=100,$pb=60,$sData="100,200,300,400,500", $sColor= "ee00ff,dd0000,cccccc,ccff00,00ccff")
$this-> DataArray=split(",",$sData);
function setA($v){
$ this->a=$v;
function getA(){
return $this->a;
function setB($v){
$ this->b=$v;
function getB(){
return $this->b;
function setDataArray($v){
$ this->DataArray=split(",",$v);
function getDataArray($v){
return $this->DataArray;
function setColorArray ($v){
function getColorArray(){
return $this->ColorArray;
function DrawPie(){
$PieCenterX= $this->a+10;
$DoubleB=$this-> b*2;