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Commonly used PHP various verification regular expression programs_PHP tutorial

Release: 2016-07-13 16:56:48
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Commonly used PHP various verification regular expression programs

The code is as follows Copy code
class validator


     * Checks that a field is exactly the right length.
     * Constructer PHP4     

Function validator()



     * check a number optional -,+,. values
     * @param   string        
     * @return  boolean

Function is_numeric($val)


           return (bool)preg_match('/^[-+]?[0-9]*.?[0-9]+$/', $val);


     * valid email     
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean

Function is_email($val)


return (bool)(preg_match("/^([a-z0-9+_-]+)(.[a-z0-9+_-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+. )+[a-z]{2,6}$/i",



     * Valid URL or web address
     * @param   string      
     * @return  boolean

Function is_url($val)


return (bool)preg_match("^((((https?|ftps?|gopher|telnet|nntp)://)|(mailto:|news:))(%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2 }|[-()_.!~*';/?:@&=+$,A-Za-z0-9])+)([).!';/?:,][[:blank: ]])?$",



     * Valid IP address
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean

Function is_ipaddress($val)


return (bool)preg_match("/^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0 -5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0- 9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][ 0-9]?)$/",



     * Matches only alpha letters
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean

Function is_alpha($val)


          return (bool)preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z])+$/i", $val);


     * Matches alpha and numbers only
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean

    function is_alphanumeric($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+$/i", $val);
     * Matches alpha ,numbers,-,_ values
     * @param   string  
     * @return  boolean
    function is_alphanumericdash($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_-])+$/i", $val);
     * Matches alpha and dashes like -,_
     * @param   string  
     * @return  boolean
    function is_alphadash($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^([A-Za-z_-])+$/i", $val);
     *Matches exactly number
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_integer($val)
        return is_int($val);
     * Valid Credit Card
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_creditcard($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^((4d{3})|(5[1-5]d{2})|(6011)|(7d{3}))-?d{4}-?d{4}-?d{4}|3[4,7]d{13}$/",
     * check given string length is between given range 
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_rangelength($val, $min = '', $max = '')
        return (strlen($val) >= $min and strlen($val) <= $max);
     *Check the string length has minimum length
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_minlength($val, $min)
        return (strlen($val) >= (int)$min);
     * check string length exceeds maximum length     
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_maxlength($val, $max)
        return (strlen($val) <= (int)$max);
     * check given number exceeds max values   
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_maxvalue($number,$max)
         return ($number >$max);
     * check given number below value   
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_minvalue($number)
        return ($number < $max);
     * check given number between given values
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_rangevalue($number,$min,$max)
        return ($number >$min and $number<$max);
     * check for exactly length of string
     * @param   string  
     * @return  boolean
    function is_length($val, $length)
        return (strlen($val) == (int)$length);
     * check decimal with . is optional and after decimal places up to 6th precision
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_decimal($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^d+(.d{1,6})?$/'", $val);
     * Valid hexadecimal color ,that may have #,
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_hexcolor($color)
        return (bool)preg_match('/^#?+[0-9a-f]{3}(?:[0-9a-f]{3})?$/i', $color);
     * Matches  againest given regular expression ,including delimeters
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_regex($val, $expression)
        return (bool)preg_match($expression, (string )$val);
     * compares two any kind of values ,stictly
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_matches($val, $value)
        return ($val === $value);
     * check if field empty string ,orject,array
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_empty($val)
        return in_array($val, array(null, false, '', array()), true);
     * Check if given string matches any format date
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_date($val)
        return (strtotime($val) !== false);
     * check given string againest given array values
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_enum($val, $arr)
        return in_array($val, $arr);
     * Checks that a field matches a v2 md5 string
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_md5($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/[0-9a-f]{32}/i", $val);
     * Matches base64 enoding string
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_base64($val)
        return (bool)!preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9/+=]/', $val);
     * check if array has unique elements,it must have  minimum one element
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_unique($arr)
        $arr = (array )$arr;
        $count1 = count($arr);
        $count2 = count(array_unique($arr));
        return (count1 != 0 and (count1 == $count2));
     * Check is rgb color value
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_rgb($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^(rgb(s*b([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])bs*,s*b([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])bs*,s*b([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])bs*))|(rgb(s*(d?d%|100%)+s*,s*(d?d%|100%)+s*,s*(d?d%|100%)+s*))$/",
     * is given field is boolean value or not
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_boolean($val)
        $booleans = array(1, 0, '1', '0', true, false, true, false);
        $literals = array('true', 'false', 'yes', 'no');
        foreach ($booleans as $bool) {
            if ($val === $bool)
                return true;
        return in_array(strtolower($val), $literals);
     * A token that don't have any white space
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_token($val)
        return (bool)!preg_match('/s/', $val);
     * Checks that a field is exactly the right length.
     * @param   string   value
     * @link  http://php.net/checkdnsrr  not added to Windows until PHP 5.3.0
     * @return  boolean
    function is_emaildomain($email)
        return (bool)checkdnsrr(preg_replace('/^[^@]++@/', '', $email), 'MX');
     * Matches a phone number that length optional numbers 7,10,11
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_phone($number, $lengths = null)
        if (!is_array($lengths)) {
            $lengths = array(7, 10, 11);
        $number = preg_replace('/D+/', '', $number);
        return in_array(strlen($number), $lengths);
     * check given sting is UTF8 
     * @param   string  
     * @return  boolean
    function is_utf8($val)
        return preg_match('%(?:
        )+%xs', $val);
     * Given sting is lower cased
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_lower($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^[a-z]+$/", $val);
     * Given string is upper cased?
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_upper($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^[A-Z]+$/", $val);
     * Checks that given value matches following country pin codes.     
     * at = austria
     * au = australia
     * ca = canada
     * de = german
     * ee = estonia
     * nl = netherlands
     * it = italy
     * pt = portugal
     * se = sweden
     * uk = united kingdom
     * us = united states
     * @param String   
     * @param String
     * @return  boolean
    function is_pincode($val, $country = 'us')
        $patterns = array('at' => '^[0-9]{4,4}$', 'au' => '^[2-9][0-9]{2,3}$', 'ca' =>
            '^[a-zA-Z].[0-9].[a-zA-Z].s[0-9].[a-zA-Z].[0-9].', 'de' => '^[0-9]{5,5}$', 'ee' =>
            '^[0-9]{5,5}$', 'nl' => '^[0-9]{4,4}s[a-zA-Z]{2,2}$', 'it' => '^[0-9]{5,5}$',
            'pt' => '^[0-9]{4,4}-[0-9]{3,3}$', 'se' => '^[0-9]{3,3}s[0-9]{2,2}$', 'uk' =>
            '^([A-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{1}[0-9A-Z]{0,1}) ?([0-9]{1}[A-Z]{1,2})$', 'us' =>
        if (!array_key_exists($country, $patterns))
            return false;
        return (bool)preg_match("/" . $patterns[$country] . "/", $val);
     * Check given url really exists?
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_urlexists($link)
        if (!$this->is_url($link))
            return false;
        return (bool)@fsockopen($link, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
     * Check given sting has script tags
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_jssafe($val)
        return (bool)(!preg_match("/]*>[srn]*()?[srn]*/",
     * given sting has html tags?
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_htmlsafe($val)
        return (bool)(!preg_match("/<(.*)>.*/", $val));
     * check given sring has multilines 
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_multiline($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/[nrt]+/", $val);
     * check given array key element exists?
     * @param   string   
     * @return  boolean
    function is_exists($val, $arr)
        return isset($arr[$val]);
     * is given string is ascii format?
     * @param   string        
     * @return  boolean
    function is_ascii($val)
        return !preg_match('/[^x00-x7F]/i', $val);
     * Checks given value again MAC address of the computer
     * @param   string   value      
     * @return  boolean
    function is_macaddress($val)
        return (bool)preg_match('/^([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]:){5}([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])$/',
     * Checks given value matches us citizen social security number
     * @param   string         
     * @return  boolean
    function is_usssn($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^d{3}-d{2}-d{4}$/", $val);
     * Checks given value matches date de
     * @param   string         
     * @return  boolean
    function is_dateDE($date)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^dd?.dd?.ddd?d?$/", $date);
     * Checks given value matches us citizen social security number
     * @param   string         
     * @return  boolean
    function is_dateISO($date)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^d{4}[/-]d{1,2}[/-]d{1,2}$/", $date);
     * Checks given value matches a time zone  
     * +00:00 | -05:00 
     * @param   string         
     * @return  boolean
    function is_timezone($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^[-+]((0[0-9]|1[0-3]):([03]0|45)|14:00)$/", $val);
     * Time in 24 hours format with optional seconds
     * 12:15 | 10:26:59 | 22:01:15 
     * @param   string         
     * @return  boolean
    function is_time24($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^(([0-1]?[0-9])|([2][0-3])):([0-5]?[0-9])(:([0-5]?[0-9]))?$/",
     * Time in 12 hours format with optional seconds
     * 08:00AM | 10:00am | 7:00pm
     * @param   string         
     * @return  boolean
    function is_time12($val)
        return (bool)preg_match("/^([1-9]|1[0-2]|0[1-9]){1}(:[0-5][0-9][aApP][mM]){1}$/",

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/631582.htmlTechArticle常用的php各种验证正则表达式程序 代码如下 复制代码 class validator { /*** Checks that a field is exactly the right length. * Constructer PHP4*/ function valid...
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