php database backup and restore function The article provides a backup and restore function, which is a function written in PHP that can be backed up and restored. It also supports saving the code locally after backup. Well, let’s take a look at the source code.
php tutorial database tutorial backup and restore function
The article provides a backup and restore function, which is a function written in PHP that can be backed up and restored. It also supports saving the code locally after backup. Well, let’s take a look at the source code.
//Backup and restore function
function write_file($sql,$filename) {
if(fopen("./www.bKjia.c0m/".$filename,"w">!@$fp=fopen("./www.bKjia.c0m/".$filename,"w+")) {$ re=false; echo "failed to open target file";}
If(!@fwrite($fp,$sql)) {$re=false; echo "failed to write file";}
If(!@fclose($fp)) {$re=false; echo "failed to close target file";}
Return $re;
function down_file($sql,$filename){
header("content-encoding: none");
header("content-type: ".(strpos($_server['http_user_agent'], 'msie') ? 'application/octetstream' : 'application/octet-stream'));header("content-disposition: ".(strpos($_server['http_user_agent'], 'msie') ? 'inline; ' : 'attachment; ')."filename=".$filename);
header("content-length: ".strlen($sql));
header("pragma: no-cache");header("expires: 0");
echo $sql;
}function writeable($dir){
if(!is_dir($dir)) {
@mkdir($dir, 0777);
If($fp = @fopen("$dir/test.test", 'w')){
$writeable = 1;
}else {
$writeable = 0;
return $writeable;
}function make_header($table){
global $db;
$sql="drop table if exists `".$table."`;n";
$db->query("show create table ".$table);
$tmp=preg_replace("/n/","",$db->f("create table"));
Return $sql;
}function make_record($table,$num_fields){
global $db;
$sql .= "insert into ".$table." values(";
for($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++)
{$sql .= ($comma."'".mysql tutorial_escape_string($db->record[$i])."'"); $comma = ",";}
$sql .= ");n";
Return $sql;
}function show_msg($msgs){
< b>Prompt message: ";
While (list($k,$v)=each($msgs)){
$t1="- $i.".$v."
Return $tm1.$t.$tm2;
}function pageend(){
}function import($fname) {
global $db;
foreach($sqls as $sql){
If(!$db->query(trim($sql))) return false;
Return true;