include "class/"; //Include the configuration file
$db = new db;
$db-> db_connect( ); //Connect to database
$user = new user; //Initialization
$session = new session;
//Start session
//Delete expired users (i.e. non-online users) in the session table because this file is always called to ensure that all currently online users are displayed
//Online users need to constantly update the lastactivity time in the session table and reset the user's COOKIES
if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS["online"]=="on"){ //$_SESSION["online"]
is also available here
$userid=$HTTP_SESSION_VARS["userid"]; //Get the userid of the current online user
$lastactivity=time()+3600; //Update the last activity time. If the page is not moved within an hour, the user will be considered offline and will be deleted.
//If you are not logged in, go directly to the login page
header ("Location: $firstpage");
insert($userid,$ipaddress,$lastactivity) inserts successfully logged-in users into the table
update($userid,$ipaddress,$lastactivity) updates the last activity time of online users
del($con) deletes users who meet the conditions and use it to clear offline users
get_from_condition($con) returns the record set that meets the query conditions
if ($hiddenField=="0"){ //Test whether the form has been submitted
$con="username='$username' and userpwd='$userpwd'";
if ($user->counter==1){
if (!session_is_registered("online")){//Check whether it has been registered
session_register("online"); //Register a new variable as a session variable
if (!session_is_registered("ccauser")){
if (!session_is_registered("userid")){
$ccauser=$username; //Assign a value to the session variable
$online="on"; //This variable is used in global.php to update the last activity time lastactivity
$con=" userid=$userid";
//Determine whether the session exists. It is possible that you logged in twice on different machines.
if ($session->counter==1){
$session->update($userid,$ipaddress,$lastactivity); //If exists, update
$session->insert($userid,$ipaddress,$lastactivity); //If it does not exist, insert
//Set COOKIES on the client
Header("Location:test.php");//Then lead to the test page
if($HTTP_SESSION_VARS["online"]=="") { //Determine whether you are logged in
//The following is the login form
echo "Netizen:".$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["ccauser"]."You are already logged in"; //If you are logged in, display the prompt
Exit the community";
echo $str;
include "global.php"; //Include the global.php file
echo $strWelcome; //Display welcome message
$str=” Current online user:
$con=" 1=1";
//Propose that all records in the session table are the current online users, not counting tourists
$str.=$user->username." ";
echo $str;
Exit the community