When downloading apache, remember to download OPENSSL
Remember to download the PHP that is thread-safe, so that it is easier to build an http service.
php tutorial-5.2.17-Win32-VC6-x86.msi
The following is reproduced
The installation method in this article is applicable to the installation of Apache+PHP+MySQL under Windows XP, and is also applicable to the installation and configuration under Windows 2003 system.
1. Installation environment
The operating system is Windows XP Chinese version. The latest versions of Apache, PHP, and MySQL are as of 2007.09.07 and can be downloaded from their official websites:
*Apache 2.2.6: http://apache.mirror.phpchina.com/httpd/binaries/win32/
* PHP 5.2.4 (Windows Binaries PHP 5.2.4 zip package): http://www.php.net/downloads.php
* MySQL 5.0.45 Windows: http://dev.mysqltutorial.com/downloads/
2. Installation directory structure planning
In order to facilitate maintenance, you can install the server software on the system disk (C drive) and locate your files to other disks. This is very important for future maintenance.
3. Install Apache 2.2.6
under Windows XP
Installation under Windows XP
1. Run the installation program of apache 2.2.6 and click Next according to the prompts. Just fill in any domain name in the Network Domain and Server Name fields of Server Information, such as php.com, and then follow the prompts to complete.
2. At the end of the installation, a DOS window will pop up and then disappear. This is because the system apache has started automatically.
4. Install php 5.2.4
under Windows XP
1. Unzip the downloaded php 5 ZIP package directly. I directly unzipped the PHP 5.2.4 zip file to the d:php directory. It is not recommended to use the win32 installer to install php (mainly because it will be troublesome to install extensions in the future).
2. Enter the php installation directory in the resource manager, copy php.ini-dist or php.ini-recommended, and name it php.ini. Then open php.ini.
3. Found:
Remove the ; sign in front and change it to:
4. Found:
extension_dir = “./”
Change it to the absolute path to the ext subdirectory under your php installation directory. For example, mine:
extension_dir = “D:/php/ext/”
This step is very important. Otherwise, php will not be able to find the php_mysql.dll module and cannot load it.
5. In "Control Panel"->"System"->"Advanced"->"Environment Variables", find path in "System Variables", edit the variable value of path, and add your php directory D:php , be sure to use a semicolon (;) in front to separate it from the previous value.
5. Configure Apache and PHP
Open the httpd.conf file in the conf subdirectory of the Apache installation directory.
1. Find:
DocumentRoot “xxxxxxx”
Change it to the directory of your local website content. For example mine:
DocumentRoot “E:/web”
After making the changes, scroll down a little to find "# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.", and then change the following place as well.
PHPIniDir "D:/PHP" is no longer needed to prevent the apache server from being unable to start.
3. Find:
DirectoryIndex index.html
Modify to:
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
4. Find:
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
Add these two lines:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php .html
5. Save httpd.conf
6. In your website directory (for example, mine is E:/Web/), manually create an index.php file with the following content:
7. Start the apache service in the dos window (assuming Apache is installed in C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache2.2)
#If it was started before, stop it first
C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache2.2bin> httpd -k stop
Or: net stop apache2.2
#Start apahce service
C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache2.2bin> httpd -k start
Or: net start apache2.2
8. Open http://localhost/index.php to see the test output results.
6. Install MySQL 5.0.45 under Windows XP
The installation of MySQL is relatively simple, it provides a win32 installation package. After downloading, follow the prompts to install. You can also select Custom in the installation type and specify the installation directory. Here, it is installed directly on the C drive by default.
After the installation is complete, you will be asked if you want to register on the official website, just skip it. You will then be asked whether to Configure the MySQL Server now, select and continue, and then follow the prompts to set the character set and the password of the root administrator.