This is the simplest and most efficient, get the source code of php4 and apache1.3.12. In the form of tar.gz.
Complete as root:
#tar -zxvf apache_1.3.12.tar.gz
#cd apache_1.3.12
#./configure --prefix=/apache
#mkdir /apache
#cd ..
#tar -zxvf php-4.0.0.tar.gz
#cd php-4.0.0
#./configure --with-apache=../apache_1 .3.12 --enable-track-vars --with-mysql --disable-debug
#make install
#cd ../apache_1.3.12
#./configure -- prefix=/apache --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a
#make install
#mv /usr/bin/httpd /usr/bin/httpd.old
#ln -s /apache/bin/httpd /usr/bin/httpd
#vi /apache/conf/httpd.conf
Remove the # in front of AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
#/apache/bin/apachestl restart
#####Windows NT /2000
Using the ISAPI interface of IIS4/5 will be very efficient
NT4.0Server needs to install Option pack 1
Download Binary winzip version of PHP4, unpack to a directory,
for example c:php
The following assumes that NT/2000 is installed in c:winnt
c:>copy c:phpphp.ini-dist c:winntphp .ini
c:>copy c:phpPHP4TS.DLL cLwinntsystem32
Return to the graphical environment and start the iis manager
Right-click on the web site icon and select "Properties" "ISAPI Filter"
Add a new filter, the name is php
The path is: c:phpphp4isapi.dll
Open the "Home Directory Properties" of the corresponding web site
Press the "Configure" button and select "Application Mapping" ”
Add .php extension, executable file uses
Restart IIS.
#####Windows 98
PWS is not recommended because that Modify the registry.
You can use Apache 1.3.12 for Win32
Download and install the apache1.3.12 W32 version
The default installation directory is
C:Program FilesApache GroupApache
Download and install the win32 version of php4.0.0
Unzip to c:php
Assume the windows installation directory is c:windows
copy c:phpphp.ini-dist c:windows
copy c:phpPHP4TS.DLL c:windowssystem
C :Program FilesApache GroupApacheconfhttpd.conf
Add the following three lines
ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Action application/x-httpd- php "/php/php.exe"
It is best to add it to a place with a lot of addtypes
Start apache from the start menu