After all, I still underestimated the lethality of the word "girl" to programmers. In today's world where there is no picture to say something, I can still get clicks in less than a day without making a splash. It reached four digits and also became the most commented post of the day! Although the comments were all crooked, the girl still said something to me very thoughtfully - she expressed her concern about the content. When I saw this sentence, I immediately felt a feeling of knowing that I would give up my life and die. I wonder if I would be happy to pledge my life to my sister?
With so many people seeing this series, I should still adhere to the purpose of a technical blog, try to focus on technology, and discuss PHP development knowledge with beginners. However, in order to take care of the majority of programmers who have clicked on the title recently, I will add some descriptions of the girls' performance in the learning process to the blog, and teach you how to cultivate relationships with girls, oh, no, it is academic exchanges.
Since you are teaching web development to girls, especially when you have almost zero foundation, you must start with very basic things and have enough patience. But you must also have strict teaching ideas, and you cannot just say whatever comes to mind. Not only will the girls feel annoyed, but their learning efficiency will also be low. Think about it, if the girl is annoyed and doesn’t lose her motivation to study, what else will happen to you in the future? Before you have time to show your depth of knowledge and rich development experience, the girl has already turned off the computer and abandoned you. Then, what else can happen? ! To sum up: If you have no methods, no ideas, no patience, you are doomed to live a lonely life.
In the previous article, we have basically introduced some things, which can be summarized as follows: 1) PHP code should be identified with the tag 2) How to use the echo statement to output html code, and Regarding the use of escape characters for "" (double quotation marks). 3) How is the php code mixed with the html code. Then, on this basis, the next step is how to submit the form and all Handling of form submissions
Step 3: Submit the form
In HTML syntax, we will use the