WHXBB(); } /*** Write the article to the database * @param $title Article title * @param $author Article author * @param $content Article content * @return Operation error: a WHXBB_Error object Success: true * @access public*/ function Insert($title, $author, $content) { new WHXBB_Debug("Insert() Start"); // 处理传入的参数 WHXBB::OperateString(&$title, in); WHXBB::OperateString(&$author, in); WHXBB::OperateString(&$content, in); $sql = "insert into article(title,author,content) values($title,$author,$content)"; if( !@mysql_query($sql, $this->_conn) ) { return new WHXBB_Error("Insert() Failed.($sql)", 1021); } new WHXBB_Debug("Insert() Completed"); return true; } /*** Delete the specified record * @param $id The id of the record to be deleted * @return Operation error: a WHXBB_Error object Success: true * @access public*/ function Del($id) { new WHXBB_Debug("Del($id) Start"); $sql = "delete from article where id=$id)"; if( !@mysql_query($sql, $this->_conn) ) { return new WHXBB_Error("Del() Failed.($sql)", 1024); } new WHXBB_Debug("Dle($id) Completed"); return true; } /*** Get the total number of articles * @param $condition query conditions * @return Operation error: a WHXBB_Error object Success: true * @access public*/ function GetCount($condition = ) { new WHXBB_Debug("GetCount() Start"); $sql = "select count(id) from article where 1=1 $condition"; if( !$result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->_conn)) { return new WHXBB_Error("GetCount() Failed.($sql)", 1000); } list($count) = @mysql_fetch_array($result); @mysql_free_result($result); new WHXBB_Debug("GetCount() Completed"); return $count; } /*** Get all field information of a certain article * @param $id article id number * @return Operation error: a WHXBB_Error object Success: return an associative array Information not found: return 0 * @access public*/ function GetInfo($id ) { new WHXBB_Debug("GetInfo($id) Start"); $sql = "select id, title, content, author from article where id=$id"; $result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->_conn); if( !$result) return new WHXBB_Error("GetInfo($id) Failed.($sql)", 1002); if(@mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) return 0; $info = @mysql_fetch_array($result); while (list($var, $key) = each($info)) { WHXBB::OperateString(&$info[$var], out); } reset($info); @mysql_free_result($result); new WHXBB_Debug("GetInfo($id) Completed"); return $info; } /*** Get all records whose author is the specified author name* @param $items Display the number of items per page, if it is 0, it means to retrieve all records* @param page current page number* @param author author name* @param $orderBy sorting method* @return Operation error: a WHXBB_Error object Success: return an array Information not found: return 0 * @access public*/ function GetNInfoByAuthor($items, $page, $author, $orderBy = order by id desc) { WHXBB::OperateString(&$author, in); $condition = " and author=$author "; $result = $this->GetNInfo($items, $page, $condition, $orderBy); return $result; } } /*** List all records * @param $items Display the number of items per page, if it is 0, it means fetching all records * @param $page Current page number * @param $condition Query conditions * @param $orderBy Sorting method * @return Operation error : A WHXBB_Error object Success: Returns a two-dimensional array Information not found: Returns 0 * @access public*/ function GetNInfo($items, $page, $condition = , $orderBy = order by id desc) { new WHXBB_Debug("GetNInfo() Start"); $limit = ; //取记录总数 $infoCount = $this->GetCount($condition); if ($infoCount == 0) return 0; if ($items != 0) { // 新建一个分页器 $this->pager = new Pager($infoCount, $items, $page); $startPos = $this->pager->startPos; $limit = " limit ".$startPos.", ".$items; }$sql = "select id, title, author from article where 1=1 $condition $orderBy $limit"; $result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->_conn); if( !$result ) return new WHXBB_Error( "GetNInfo() Failed.($sql)", 1001); if(@mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) return 0; $i = 0; while ($arr = @mysql_fetch_array($result)) { while( list($var, $key) = each($arr)) { WHXBB::OperateString(&$arr[$var], out); } reset($arr); $info[$i] = $arr; $ i++; } @mysql_free_result($result); new WHXBB_Debug("GetNInfo() Completed"); return $info; } } ?>