Now let's list the commonly used ODBC functions in PHP3:
odbc_connect (dns, user, pass);
Returns a connection number, or 0 if the connection fails.
odbc_pconnect (dns,user,pass);
Special connection, the connection will not be disconnected after the script is finished running. The second time connecting to the same DNS is faster.
odbc_commit (connection number);
Interrupt the thread executing the connection, return True if successful, and False if failed.
odbc_autocommit (connection number, 0/1);
When the parameter is 1, set all threads executing the connection to automatically interrupt.
odbc_do/odbc_exec (connection number, sql statement);
Execute the sql statement and return a result number. If the operation fails, false is returned.
odbc_prepare (connection number, sql statement);
Returns a result number, but does not execute the sql statement. You can use odbc_execute (the result number) to execute later.
odbc_fetch_into (result number, [number of records,] array);
Put a certain record of the result (omitted to the next record) into the array (starting from [0]), regardless of the number of the array type.
Returns the position of the record in the result, or returns false if the operation fails.
odbc_fetch_row (result number, [number of records]);
Move to a certain record (omitted to the next record), which can be read and written by odbc_result.
odbc_num_fields (result number);
Returns the total number of fields.
odbc_num_rows (result number);
Returns the total number of records.
odbc_result (result number, field number/field name);
Returns the field number/field name in the current record in the result.
odbc_result_all (result number, sql statement);
Return all query results and output them in html table.
odbc_field_name/odbc_field_type/odbc_field_len (result number, field number);