The simplest server to set up under windows xitami+php3 Complete setup guide
znsoft April 27, 2000
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The most simple and easy-to-use webserver Xitami setup guide for Windows
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Download address:
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Set this section in the
defaults.cfg file in the xitami installation directory to the following
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And copy (for php3) or (php.ini) for php4 Go to the windows directory
Don’t forget to change this paragraph in php3.ini or php.ini to
extension_dir =c:/php3/; or your php3 file, (or php4 file) directory
================================================== =======
Use your favorite editor to write
Save as info.php3 Go to the webpages subdirectory under the xitami installation directory
Okay, try http://localhost/info.php3
Happy everyday to you!
(C)znsoft Without permission from the author Agree, no reproduction is allowed