php(as the current mainstream development language)MyAdmin installation notes
(php(as the current mainstream development language)MyAdmin-2.6.1-pl3 php(as the current mainstream development language)-4.3.10 apache(the most popular WEB server platform on the Unix platform)-2.0.53)
First of all, php(as the current mainstream development language)must be installed correctly
If php(as the current mainstream development language)MyAdmin needs to use http method for verification, php(as the current mainstream development language) Current mainstream development languages) must be installed in the form of apache (the most popular WEB server platform on the Unix platform) module
In addition, mbstring support must be added
Specific installation process
./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache(The most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)/bin/apxs --enable-mbstring
(General: ./configure - -prefix=/usr/local/php(as the current mainstream development language)4 --with-MySQL(The best combination with PHP)=/usr/local /MySQL(The best combination with PHP) --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache(The most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)/bin/apxs - -enable-mbstring)
make install
(FreeBSD) in /usr/local/apache(the most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)/etc/conf/httpd. conf, add
AddType application/x-httpd-php(as the current mainstream development language).php(as the current mainstream development language)
AddType application/x-httpd-php(as the current mainstream development language)-source .php(as the current mainstream development language)s
Check whether there is
LoadModule php(as the current mainstream development language)4_module modules/libphp(as the current mainstream development language)
Add if not available
Then install php(as the current mainstream development language)MyAdmin (usually decompression)
$cfg[Servers][$i ][host]
$cfg[Servers][$i][auth_type] # If you install it by apache(the most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform) module, you can use http, press cgi(Not many people are using it now)You need to use cookies