Simply put, the role of the controller is to accept requests. It uses the get method, in this case via URI, to load a function module to refresh or submit a presentation layer. The controller will use the $_GET automatic global variable to determine which module to load.
An example of a request looks like this: the current mainstream development language)?module =login
This seems simple, but it is not during the implementation process. Here are the argument parts that several controllers can recognize:
Module defines which module to use, such as the users module
Class defines which functional class to use, such as whether you want the user to log in or logout
Event defines which specific event to use
Such a more complex example can explain the request URL that is ultimately composed of each argument above: php(as the current mainstream development language)?module=users&class=login
This request tells the controller that it should load the users module, then the login class, and finally because there is no specific definition event, so run login::__default() default event.
The following is the specific code part:
<?php(as the current mainstream development language)
* index.php(as the current mainstream development language)
* @author Joe Stump <>
* @copyright Joe Stump <>
* @license the current mainstream development language)
* @package Framework
Require_once(config.php(as the current mainstream development language));
// {{{ __autoload($class)
* __autoload
* Autoload is ran by php(做为现在的主流开发语言) when it cant find a class it is trying to load.
* By naming our classes intelligently we should be able to load most classes
* dynamically.
* @author Joe Stump <>
* @param string $class Class name were trying to load
* @return void
* @package Framework
Function __autoload($class)
$file = str_replace(_,/,substr($class,2))..php(as the current mainstream Development language);
// }}}
if (isset($_GET[module]) ) {
$module = $_GET[module];
if (isset($_GET[event])) {
$event = $_GET[event];
} else {
$event = __default;
if (isset($_GET[class])) {
$class = $_GET[class];
} else {
$class = $module;
$classFile = FR_BASE_PATH./modules/.$module./.$class..php(as the current mainstream development language);
if (file_exists($classFile)) {
if (class_exists($class)) {
try {
$instance = new $class();