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Redhat Linux 9 allows php (as the current mainstream development language) to support java classes
Due to the needs of the company's business, PHP (as the current mainstream development language) under Linux recently needs to support the Java class, so I posted my debugging notes, hoping it will be useful to everyone.
System environment:
Redhat 9.0
apache(the most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)-1.3.27
MySQL(matched with PHP The best combination)3.23-54a-11
php(as the current mainstream development language)-4.32
Installation configuration:
1. MySQL(The best combination with PHP) uses the rpm package that comes with redhat9. I won’t introduce the installation. The installation of jdk is also very simple. We install the jdk to /usr/java/j2sdk1. 4.1_03 and set jdk environment parameters in /etc/profile.
2. Compile and install apache(The most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)
tar zvxf apache(The most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)_1.3.27.tar.gz
cd apache(The most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)_1.3.27
./configure –prefix=/usr/local/apache(The most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform) –enable-module=so –enable-shared=max
make install
3. Compile and install php(as the current mainstream development language)
tar zvxf php(as the current mainstream development language)-4.3.2.tar.gz
cd php(as the current mainstream development language)-4.3.2
./configure –prefix=/usr/local/php(as the current mainstream development language) –with-MySQL(The best combination with PHP)
--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache(The most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)/bin/apxs
make install
Modify /usr/local/apache(Unix The most popular WEB server platform) /conf/httpd.conf
Add in this scope
AddType application/x-httpd-php (do As the current mainstream development language) .php (as the current mainstream development language)
AddType application/x-httpd-php (as the current mainstream development language) -source .php(as the current mainstream development language)s
4. Configure php(as the current mainstream development language).ini
cp php(as the current mainstream development language).ini.dist /usr/local/php(as the current mainstream development language)/lib/php(as the current mainstream development language).ini
vim php(as the current mainstream development language) Mainstream development languages) .ini
Modify the following content:
java.class.path = /usr/local/php(as The current mainstream development language)/lib/php(As the current mainstream development language)/php(As the current mainstream development language)_java.jar
java.home = /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_03
java.library = /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_03/jre/lib/i386/
java.library.path =/ usr/local/php(as the current mainstream development language)/lib/php(as the current mainstream development language)/extensions/no-debug-non-zts- 20020429
extension_dir = /usr/local/php(as the current mainstream development language)/lib/php(as the current mainstream development language)/extensions/no -debug-non-zts-20020429
Save and exit.
cd /usr/local/php(as the current mainstream development language)/lib/php(as the current mainstream development language)/extensions/no-debug -non-zts-20020429
ln –s libphp(as the current mainstream development language) This step is very important!
Set environment variables:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_03/jre/lib/i386:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_03/jre/lib/i386/server
ok! Restart apache(The most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)
/usr/local/apache(The most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)/bin/apache(The most popular WEB server platform on Unix platform)ctl start
Test it and write a test page test.php(as the current mainstream development language )
$system=new Java("java.lang.System");
//demonstrate property access(favorite for small websites)
print Java version=.$system->getProperty(java.version). ;
If normal, the page should be able to display: Java version=1.4.1_03
Author: Zhang Weibo
2003-07-05 in Beijing