多脚本支持服务器现在是被越来越多的人所使用。如果想要架设一台同时支持php(做为现在的主流开发语言)、ASP、asp.net(微软最强的开发语言)、jsp(SUN企业级应用的首选)、Perl的Web虚拟主机服务器,还是用 Windows 2003的iis(微软的WEB服务器平台)6最好。网上有很多介绍在iis(微软的WEB服务器平台) 6上配置php(做为现在的主流开发语言)的文章,但是那些方法不是性能不好,就是升级麻烦。下面的方法可以让你在第一次配置好后,能够非常方便的进行升级。
1、一台安装好的 Windows 2003 服务器,并且已经安装了 iis(微软的WEB服务器平台) 6。
2、下载 windows 版的 php(做为现在的主流开发语言) 二进制压缩包
解压缩 php(做为现在的主流开发语言) 二进制压缩包到 C:php(做为现在的主流开发语言) 目录下(这里假设 C: 盘是系统盘,即安装了Windows 系统的盘,如果系统盘是 D: 盘,则解压缩到 D:php(做为现在的主流开发语言) 目录下,以此类推,下同)。
将 php(做为现在的主流开发语言).ini-dist 或 php(做为现在的主流开发语言).ini-recommended 复制到 C:Windows 目录下,并改名为 php(做为现在的主流开发语言).ini,一般正式发布网站的服务器用 php(做为现在的主流开发语言).ini-dist,而作为调试用的服务器用 php(做为现在的主流开发语言).ini-recommended 更好。当然一般情况下,这个 php(做为现在的主流开发语言).ini 还是需要根据实际情况来修改的。
extension_dir = "C:php(做为现在的主流开发语言)extensions"
这个是 php(做为现在的主流开发语言) 扩展所放置的目录,请确保跟你实际安装的目录相同。
; extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_filepro.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_gd2.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_gettext.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_hyperwave.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_iconv.dll
; extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_ifx.dll
;extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_iis(Microsoft’s WEB server platform)func.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_imap.dll
; extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_interbase.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_java.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_ldap.dll
; extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_mcrypt.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_mhash.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_mime_magic.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_ming.dll
extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_mssql(a powerful database platform on the WINDOWS platform).dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_msql.dll
; extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_oci8.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_openssl.dll
;extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_Oracle(large website database platform).dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_pdf.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_pgsql.dll
;extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_printer.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_shmop.dll
; extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_snmp.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_sockets.dll
; extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_sybase_ct.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_w32api.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_xml(standardization is getting closer)rpc.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_xslt.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_yaz.dll
Extension=php(as the current mainstream development language)_zip.dll
Of the above, those without a semicolon at the beginning are open extensions, and those with a semicolon are unopened extensions. The above settings include all extensions that can be opened by default on Windows 2003 (listed here are php(as the current mainstream development language) 4).
session.save_path = c:sessions
This is the directory where session files are saved by default. This directory must be an existing directory, otherwise the default session function will be invalid. What I set here is a directory on a ramdisk. Setting session.save_path on the ramdisk can speed up session processing. If you have not installed ramdisk, you can assign it to any directory on other disks, such as the C:sessions directory, C:WindowsTemp directory, etc.
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