1. Use cache
To enable smarty's cache, just set caching to true and specify cache_dir.
Use cache_lefetime to specify the cache lifetime in seconds
To generate multiple different caches for the same page, add the second parameter cache_id in display or fetch, such as $smarty->display(index.tpl,$my_cache_id); This feature can be used to perform different caches on different $_GETs. Cache
2. Clear cache
clear_all_cache();//Clear all caches
clear_cache(index.tpl);//Clear the cache of index.tpl
clear_cache(index.tpl,cache_id);//Clear the cache of the specified id
3. Use custom caching method
Set cache_handler_func to use a custom function to handle cache
Such as:
$smarty->cache_handler_func = "myCache";
function myCache($action, &$smarty_obj, &$cache_content, $tpl_file=null, $cache_id=null, $compile_id=null){
This function generally determines the current operation of the cache based on $action:
case "read"://Read cache content
case "write"://write cache
case "clear"://clear
Generally use md5 ($tpl_file.$cache_id.$compile_id) as the only cache_id
If necessary, use gzcompress and gzuncompress to compress and decompress
4. Partially close the cache
To invalidate cache in certain areas (only the required cache), there are several ways:
Define a processing function to be used by the insert tag. The function name format is: insert_xx(array $params, object &$smarty) where xx is the name of insert. That is to say, if the function you define is insert_abc, use it in the template. The method is {insert name=abc}
Parameters are passed in through $params
It can also be made into an insert plug-in. The file name is: insert.xx.php, the function is named: smarty_insert_aa($params,&$smarty), and the definition of xx is the same as above
Define a block:smarty_block_name($params,$content, &$smarty){return $content;} //name represents the area name
Register block:$smarty->register_block(name, smarty_block_name, false); //The third parameter false means that this area is not cached
Template writing: {name}content{/name}
Written as block plug-in:
1) Define a plug-in function: block.cacheless.php and place it in smarty’s plugins directory
The content of block.cacheless.php is as follows:
function smarty_block_cacheless($param, $content, &$smarty) {
Return $content;
2) Write programs and templates
Sample program: testCacheLess.php
$smarty = new Smarty;
$smarty->cache_lifetime = 6;
Template used: cache.tpl
Cached: {$smarty.now}
Not cached:{$smarty.now}