In this article , I will list charts, graphs and data visualization, from creatingbasic 2Dcharts togeneratingComplex datasets data visualization, thesePHP, Javascript, FlashCharts are a must-see for any serious developer.
1. Fusion Charts
FusionCharts v3 helps create animated/interactive charts for web or enterprise applications. Enterprise-grade charting components support PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones, and a host of other mobile devices.
2. 15 Classic Chart Software Recommendations_PHP Tutorial
bXML/SWF Chart is a simple, powerful tool that supports XML data to create attractive charts. XML provides flexible data generation, while Flash provides the best image quality.
3. JP Graph
JpGraph is an object-oriented PHP graph creation library. The library is entirely written in PHP and can be used as any PHP script.
FusionCharts is a completely free and open source Flash chart component. Can create animations, interactive chart web applications, desktop applications, etc. FusionCharts supports PHP, ASP.NET, JSP, ColdFusion, Python, RoR, simple HTML pages, and even PowerPoint presentations.
6. J powered
PHP graphics scripts can easily embed dynamically generated graphics and charts into PHP applications or HTML pages. This graphics software is easy to use and produces professional-looking real-time graphics in minutes.
7. jQuery Visualize Plugin
jQuery Visualize Plugin is a jQuery plug-in that generates charts based on the content of HTML tables.
8. 15 Classic Chart Software Recommendations_PHP Tutorial
15 Classic Chart Software Recommendations_PHP Tutorial is a chart library written purely in JavaScript, providing a simple way to add interactive charts to sites or web applications, supporting various chart types.
9. 15 Classic Chart Software Recommendations_PHP Tutorial
15 Classic Chart Software Recommendations_PHP Tutorial for jQuery is a pure Javascriptdrawing library. Features include simple use, all settings are optional, beautiful appearance, and interactive features such as zooming in and out, mouse tracking, etc.
10. 15 Classic Chart Software Recommendations_PHP Tutorial
This jQuery plug-in can directly generate 15 Classic Chart Software Recommendations_PHP Tutorial embedded charts through HTML or JavaScript. The plugin is compatible with most browsers. License BSD.
11. jq15 Classic Chart Software Recommendations_PHP Tutorial
jq15 Classic Chart Software Recommendations_PHP Tutorial is a jQuery drawing plug-in that can be used to create beautiful line charts and bar charts. jq15 Classic Chart Software Recommendations_PHP Tutorial supports setting various styles for charts. Provides Tooltips, data point highlighting and other functions.
12. AM charts
Amcharts is a set of Flash charts that you can use for free on your websites and web-based products (not open source) . Amcharts can extract data from simple CSV or XML files, or it can read and generate dynamic data from PHP, .NET, Ruby on Rails and Perl, as well as many other programming languages.