EE Development Reference_PHP Tutorial
Jul 13, 2016 pm 05:48 PM
class Article_statistics_upd {
var $version = '1.0';
var $module_name = 'Article_statistics';
function __construct()
$this->EE =& get_instance();
function install()
$data = array(
'module_name' => $this->module_name ,
'module_version' => $this->version,
'has_cp_backend' => 'y',
'has_publish_fields' => 'n'
$this->EE->db->insert('modules', $data);
$data = array(
'class' => $this->module_name ,
'method' => 'add'
$this->EE->db->insert('actions', $data);
return TRUE;
function uninstall()
$this->EE->db->where('module_name', $this->module_name);
$this->EE->db->where('class', $this->module_name);
return TRUE;
function update($current = '')
return FALSE;
class Article_statistics_mcp {
var $version = '1.0';
var $module_name = 'Article_statistics';
var $cached_vars = array();
function __construct()
$this->EE =& get_instance();
// Some Globals
$this->base_url = BASE.AMP.'C=addons_modules'.AMP.'M=show_module_cp'.AMP.'module=article_statistics';
$menu = array(
'module_index' => array(
'link' => $this->base_url,
'tab_index' => "",
'title' => $this->EE->lang->line('module_index')
'test_list' => array(
'link' => $this->base_url .AMP. 'method=show_list',
'tab_index' => "show_list",
'title' => $this->EE->lang->line('show_list')
$this->cached_vars['module_menu'] = $menu;
public function index()
return $this->EE->load->view('index', $vars, TRUE);
public function show_list()
$sql="SELECT *
FROM bv_comments c
ORDER BY c.comment_date DESC";
return $this->EE->load->view('show_list', $data,TRUE);
Function _set_nav_title($title='',&$data)
$data['module_menu'] = $this->cached_vars['module_menu'];
//Class End
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Specific implementation of some tags and methods of form submission in some tags are accepted
class Article_statistics{
var $version = '1.0';
Function __construct()
$this->EE =& get_instance();
//Used to correspond to action
in upd
Function add()
$username= $this->EE->input->post("username");
$password= $this->EE->input->post("password");
$msg_id= $this->EE->input->get("msg_id");
echo $username;
echo "<br>password:";
echo $password;
echo "<br>msg_id:";
echo $msg_id;
/* END form */
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
The display style of tabs that can be switched between each other called in MCP
<ul id="tab_menu_tabs" class="tab_menu">
foreach($module_menu AS $menu_item) :
<li class="content_tab <?php if($menu_item['tab_index']==$current_method) echo 'current';?>" >
<a href="<?php echo $menu_item['link'];?>"><?php echo $menu_item['title'];?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
5.libraries/ Article_statistics_helper.php
Link Views,MCP
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Iserver API Helper File
class Article_statistics_helper
* Constructor
* @access public
Function __construct()
// Create EE Instance
$this->EE =& get_instance();
1. If you need to obtain action_id, you can call it directly in mod.module_name.php
$this->form_data['ACT'] = $this->EE->functions->fetch_action_id('Test', 'add');
'action' => "?ACT=".$this->form_data['ACT'].AMP."msg_id=333",
2. If you need to set a jump in the form, you need to set the corresponding jump path for redirect
摘自 任宝永--renbaoyong --商业价值

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