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Capture the 'China IC Network' supplier program_PHP tutorial

Release: 2016-07-13 17:48:49
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* Grab the "China IC Network (http://www.ic37.com)" supplier main program
* author Lee.
* Last modify $Date: 2012-2-9 9:32:21 $
* Note: This program is executed according to the encoding GB2312, because the "China IC Network" website is encoded in GB2312, and the database must also be consistent
class ic37 { 
    private $key; // 型号  
    private $pageNum; // 页码  
* Entry program
    public function go($key) { 
        $this->key = $key; 
        $this->pageNum = $this->getPageNum(); 
* Get the supplier url link array
* @return ArrayObject
    private function getInfo() { 
        if ($this->pageNum==1) { # 处理只有一页的情况 
            $arr = $this->shopAddContact($this->shopUrlMatchReArr($this->getContent())); 
        } elseif ($this->pageNum>1) { # 多页 
            for ($i=1; $i<=$this->pageNum; $i++) { 
                $arr = $this->shopAddContact($this->shopUrlMatchReArr($this->getContent($i))); 
* Print whether the addition was successful
* @param ArrayObject $arr
* @return string
    private function isAddSuccess($arr) { 
        foreach ($arr as $k=>$v) { 
            if ($this->execAdd($this->getInfoByShopUrl($v))) { 
                echo 'Add Success!!'; 
            } else { 
                echo 'Add Faild!!'; 
* Execute adding to database
* @param ArrayObject $infoArr
* @return Number The number of affected rows
    private function execAdd($infoArr) { 
        $mysqli = $this->getDb(); 
        if (!emptyempty($infoArr['company'])) { 
            if (!$this->isExists($mysqli, $infoArr)) { 
                $num = $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO ic37(company,person,phone,mobile,qq,msn,fax,email,address,country,region,zip,web,shopUrl) VALUES ('{$infoArr['company']}','{$infoArr['person']}','{$infoArr['phone']}','{$infoArr['mobile']}','{$infoArr['qq']}','{$infoArr['msn']}','{$infoArr['fax']}','{$infoArr['email']}','{$infoArr['address']}','{$infoArr['country']}','{$infoArr['region']}','{$infoArr['zip']}','{$infoArr['web']}','{$infoArr['shopUrl']}')"); 
                                                       return $num;                                                             Return false; # Represents that the data already exists
                                                                                                                                               } else {
             return false;
Private function formatStr($str) {
          $str = trim($str);
          $str = str_replace(' ', '', $str);
           $str = str_replace('==Contact us', '', $str);
          return $str; 

* Connect to database
Private function getDb() {
          $mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '1715544', 'weiku');
$mysqli->query('SET NAMES GB2312');
         return $mysqli;

* Check if the company already exists
* @param Resource $mysqli
* @param ArrayObject $infoArr
* @return bool
Private function isExists($mysqli, $infoArr) {
          $mysqli->query("SELECT company FROM weiku WHERE company = '{$infoArr['company']}'");
If ($mysqli->affected_rows) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;

* Grab information
* @param $url
* @return ArrayObject
Private function getInfoByShopUrl($url) {
$re = preg_replace('/(.*)/', '1', str_replace('', '', str_replace('', '', $this->getUrlInfo($url))));
Preg_match_all('/(.*)/Usi', $re, $companyArr);
preg_match_all('/Contact:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $personArr);
preg_match_all('/Phone:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $phoneArr);
preg_match_all('/Mobile:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $mobileArr);
preg_match_all('/QQ:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $qqArr);
preg_match_all('/MSN:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $msnArr);
preg_match_all('/Fax:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $faxArr);
        preg_match_all('/EMail:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $emailArr); 
        preg_match_all('/司地址[:]*[]*[]*[:]*[]*s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $addressArr); 
        preg_match_all('/国家[:]*[]*[:]*[]*s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $countryArr); 
        preg_match_all('/地区:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $regionArr); 
        preg_match_all('/邮政编码:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $zipArr); 
        preg_match_all('/s*网址[1]*:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $webArr); 
        $infoArr = array( 
        return $infoArr; 
* Get the supplier url array based on the page
* @param string $re
* @return ArrayObject
    private function shopUrlMatchReArr($re) { 


/Usi', $re, $arr); 
        $arr = $this->formatUrlArr(array_unique($arr[1])); 
        return $arr; 
* * Format array
* @param Array $arr
* @return ArrayObject
    private function formatUrlArr($arr) { 
        $newArr = array(); 
        foreach ($arr as $key=>$value) { 
            if ($this->isExistsHttp($value)) { 
                $newArr[$key] = $value; 
        return $newArr; 
* Format QQ
* @param string $str
* @return string
    private function formatQqMsn($str, $e='QQ') { 
        if (emptyempty($str)) return ''; 
        preg_match_all('/alt="'.$e.':(.+)"/Usi', $str, $arr); 
        if (count($arr[1])==1) return $arr[1][0]; 
        $newStr = null; 
        foreach ($arr[1] as $value) { 
            $newStr .= $value . ' '; 
        return rtrim($newStr, ' '); 
*Add supplier store link contact.asp
* @param array $arr
* @return string
    private function shopAddContact($arr) { 
        foreach ($arr as $k=>$v) { 
            if (stristr($v, 'contact.asp')===FALSE)  
                $newArr[$k] = $this->addContact($v); 
                $newArr[$k] = $v; 
        return $newArr; 
* Add link contact.asp
* @param string $str
* @return string
    private function addContact($str) { 
        return $str . '/contact.asp'; 
* Remove the A tag from the URL
* @param string $site
* @return string
    private function stripATags($site) { 
        $site = preg_replace('/(.+)/', '1', $site); 
        return $site; 
* Check if the url has http
* @param string $url
* @return bool
    private function isExistsHttp($url) { 
        if (stristr($url, 'http://')) { 
            return true; 
        } else { 
            return false; 
* Get page content
* @param Number $page
* @return string
    private function getContent($page=1) { 
          $re = file_get_contents($this->getUrl($this->key, $page));
         return $re;
* Get page number
* @return Number
Private function getPageNum() {
Preg_match_all('/A total of .* records are displayed in (.*) pages/Usi', $this->getContent(), $arr);
         return $arr[1][0];

* Get URL link
* @param string $str
* @param int $page page number
* @return string
Private function getUrl($str, $page=1) {
Return "http://www.ic37.com/sell/search.asp?keyword={$str}&x=86&y=22&page={$page}";

* Get page content
* @param string $url
* @return string
Private function getUrlInfo($url) {
          $re = file_get_contents($url);
         return $re;

Program running idea: According to the IC search function of "China IC Network", enter the model number to search, and then grab the supplier information

Database structure
`id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`company` varchar(500) default NULL,
`person` varchar(500) default NULL,
`phone` varchar(500) default NULL,
`mobile` varchar(500) default NULL,
`qq` varchar(500) default NULL,
`msn` varchar(500) default NULL,
`fax` varchar(500) default NULL,
`email` varchar(500) default NULL,
`address` varchar(1000) default NULL,
`country` varchar(500) default NULL,
`region` varchar(500) default NULL,
`zip` varchar(500) default NULL,
`web` varchar(500) default NULL,
`shopUrl` varchar(500) default NULL,

$k = new ic37();
$arr = array_unique(array('MAX3232', 'AML8613', 'MT6225A', 'OM8373PS/N3/A', 'PT7313', 'MAX8212ESA', 'TL431', 'S3C2440', 'TMS320F2812PGFA', 'PCM1704' 'AN6717', 'CA3162E', 'CA3161E', 'LM393N', 'DS18B20', 'SHT10', 'AML8613', 'AN6717', 'LM393N', 'CA3161E', 'CA3162E', 'PCM1704', ' STK392-040', 'K1667', 'MAX232', 'STM32F103', 'LM358', 'NE555', '78L05', 'LM324', 'TL431', 'PC817', '7805', 'LM339', ' LM317', '46A-3GRI', 'MODEL', '78L05', '93C46-3GRI', '8050', 'DS18B20', 'TDA2030', 'LM393', '74HC595', '6N137', 'SN75176BDR' ));
foreach ($arr as $v) {
* Grab the "China IC Network (http://www.ic37.com)" supplier main program
* author Lee.
* Last modify $Date: 2012-2-9 9:32:21 $
* Note: This program is executed according to the encoding GB2312, because the "China IC Network" website is encoded in GB2312, and the database must also be consistent
class ic37 {
private $key; //Model
private $pageNum; // Page number

* Entry program
public function go($key) {
$this->key = $key;
$this->pageNum = $this->getPageNum();

* Get supplier url link array
* @return ArrayObject
 private function getInfo() {
  if ($this->pageNum==1) { # 处理只有一页的情况
   $arr = $this->shopAddContact($this->shopUrlMatchReArr($this->getContent()));
  } elseif ($this->pageNum>1) { # 多页
   for ($i=1; $i<=$this->pageNum; $i++) {
    $arr = $this->shopAddContact($this->shopUrlMatchReArr($this->getContent($i)));
* Print whether the addition was successful
* @param ArrayObject $arr
* @return string
 private function isAddSuccess($arr) {
  foreach ($arr as $k=>$v) {
   if ($this->execAdd($this->getInfoByShopUrl($v))) {
    echo 'Add Success!!';
   } else {
    echo 'Add Faild!!';

* Execute adding to database
* @param ArrayObject $infoArr
* @return Number Number of affected rows
 private function execAdd($infoArr) {
  $mysqli = $this->getDb();
  if (!empty($infoArr['company'])) {
   if (!$this->isExists($mysqli, $infoArr)) {
    $num = $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO ic37(company,person,phone,mobile,qq,msn,fax,email,address,country,region,zip,web,shopUrl) VALUES ('{$infoArr['company']}','{$infoArr['person']}','{$infoArr['phone']}','{$infoArr['mobile']}','{$infoArr['qq']}','{$infoArr['msn']}','{$infoArr['fax']}','{$infoArr['email']}','{$infoArr['address']}','{$infoArr['country']}','{$infoArr['region']}','{$infoArr['zip']}','{$infoArr['web']}','{$infoArr['shopUrl']}')");
    return $num;
   } else {
    return false; # 表示数据已经存在
  } else {
   return false;
 private function formatStr($str) {
  $str = trim($str);
  $str = str_replace(' ', '', $str);
  $str = str_replace('==联系我们', '', $str);
  return $str;

* Connect to database
 private function getDb() {
  $mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '1715544', 'weiku');
  $mysqli->query('SET NAMES GB2312');
  return $mysqli;

* Check if the company already exists
* @param Resource $mysqli
* @param ArrayObject $infoArr
* @return bool
 private function isExists($mysqli, $infoArr) {
  $mysqli->query("SELECT company FROM weiku WHERE company = '{$infoArr['company']}'");
  if ($mysqli->affected_rows) {
   return true;
  } else {
   return false;

* Grab information
* @param $url
* @return ArrayObject
 private function getInfoByShopUrl($url) {
  $re = preg_replace('/(.*)/', '1', str_replace('
', '', str_replace('', '', $this->getUrlInfo($url))));
  preg_match_all('/(.*)/Usi', $re, $companyArr);
  preg_match_all('/联系人:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $personArr);
  preg_match_all('/电话:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $phoneArr);
  preg_match_all('/手机:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $mobileArr);
  preg_match_all('/QQ:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $qqArr);
  preg_match_all('/MSN:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $msnArr);
  preg_match_all('/传真:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $faxArr);
  preg_match_all('/EMail:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $emailArr);
  preg_match_all('/司地址[:]*[]*[]*[:]*[]*s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $addressArr);
  preg_match_all('/国家[:]*[]*[:]*[]*s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $countryArr);
  preg_match_all('/地区:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $regionArr);
  preg_match_all('/邮政编码:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $zipArr);
  preg_match_all('/s*网址[1]*:s*(.*)/Usi', $re, $webArr);
  $infoArr = array(
  return $infoArr;

* Get the supplier url array based on the page
* @param string $re
* @return ArrayObject
 private function shopUrlMatchReArr($re) {


/Usi', $re, $arr);
  $arr = $this->formatUrlArr(array_unique($arr[1]));
  return $arr;
* Format array
* @param Array $arr
* @return ArrayObject
 private function formatUrlArr($arr) {
  $newArr = array();
  foreach ($arr as $key=>$value) {
   if ($this->isExistsHttp($value)) {
    $newArr[$key] = $value;
  return $newArr;
* Format QQ
* @param string $str
* @return string
 private function formatQqMsn($str, $e='QQ') {
  if (empty($str)) return '';
  preg_match_all('/alt="'.$e.':(.+)"/Usi', $str, $arr);
  if (count($arr[1])==1) return $arr[1][0];
  $newStr = null;
  foreach ($arr[1] as $value) {
   $newStr .= $value . ' ';
  return rtrim($newStr, ' ');

* Add supplier store link contact.asp
* @param array $arr
* @return string
 private function shopAddContact($arr) {
  foreach ($arr as $k=>$v) {
   if (stristr($v, 'contact.asp')===FALSE)
    $newArr[$k] = $this->addContact($v);
    $newArr[$k] = $v;
  return $newArr;
* Add link contact.asp
* @param string $str
* @return string
 private function addContact($str) {
  return $str . '/contact.asp';

* Remove the A tag from the URL
* @param string $site
* @return string
 private function stripATags($site) {
  $site = preg_replace('/(.+)/', '1', $site);
  return $site;

* Check if the url has http
* @param string $url
* @return bool
 private function isExistsHttp($url) {
  if (stristr($url, 'http://')) {
   return true;
  } else {
   return false;
* Get page content
* @param Number $page
* @return string
 private function getContent($page=1) {
  $re = file_get_contents($this->getUrl($this->key, $page));
  return $re;
* Get page number
* @return Number
 private function getPageNum() {
  preg_match_all('/共.*条记录分(.*)页显示/Usi', $this->getContent(), $arr);
  return $arr[1][0];

* Get URL link
* @param string $str
* @param int $page page number
* @return string
 private function getUrl($str, $page=1) {
  return "http://www.ic37.com/sell/search.asp?keyword={$str}&x=86&y=22&page={$page}";

* Get page content
* @param string $url
* @return string
 private function getUrlInfo($url) {
  $re = file_get_contents($url);
  return $re;

程序运行思路:根据“中国 IC 网”的IC搜索功能,输入型号进行搜索,然后抓取供应商信息

 `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `company` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `person` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `phone` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `mobile` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `qq` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `msn` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `fax` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `email` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `address` varchar(1000) default NULL,
 `country` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `region` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `zip` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `web` varchar(500) default NULL,
 `shopUrl` varchar(500) default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

$k = new ic37();
$arr = array_unique(array('MAX3232', 'AML8613', 'MT6225A', 'OM8373PS/N3/A', 'PT7313', 'MAX8212ESA', 'TL431', 'S3C2440', 'TMS320F2812PGFA', 'PCM1704', 'AN6717', 'CA3162E', 'CA3161E', 'LM393N', 'DS18B20', 'SHT10', 'AML8613', 'AN6717', 'LM393N', 'CA3161E', 'CA3162E', 'PCM1704', 'STK392-040', 'K1667', 'MAX232', 'STM32F103', 'LM358', 'NE555', '78L05', 'LM324', 'TL431', 'PC817', '7805', 'LM339', 'LM317', '46A-3GRI', 'MODEL', '78L05', '93C46-3GRI', '8050', 'DS18B20', 'TDA2030', 'LM393', '74HC595', '6N137', 'SN75176BDR'));
foreach ($arr as $v) {

摘自 Lee.的专栏

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/478403.htmlTechArticle?php /** * 抓取中国 IC 网(http://www.ic37.com)供应商主程序 * author Lee. * Last modify $Date: 2012-2-9 9:32:21 $ * 注:本程序按照编码 GB2312 执行,因为中...
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