Key description call tag:
Template path call tag: {dede:field name='templeturl'/}
Website title call tag: {dede:global name='cfg_webname'/}
Column navigation call tag: Homepage
{dede:channel type='top' row='8' currentstyle="
~typename~ li>"}
Specify the calling column tag: {dede:onetype typeid='ID'}[field:typename /]{/dede:onetype}
Channel column call tag: {dede:channel type='self'}
[field:typename/] {/dede:channel}
Friendly link call tag: {dede:flink row='24' linktype=2/}
Website copyright call tag: {dede:global name='cfg_powerby'/}
Website registration call tag: {dede:global name='cfg_beian'/}
Current column name tag: {dede:field name='typename'/}
Current position call tag: {dede:field name='position'/}
List article calling tag: {dede:list pagesize='8'}{/dede:list}
Column link call tag: [field:typelink function='str_replace("a ","a class=ulink ",@me)'/]
Author link call tag: [field:writer /]
List click call tag: [field:click/]
List comment calling tag: [field:postnum/]
View the full text Call tag:
View the full text...
List time call tag: [field:pubdate function="GetDateTimeMK(@me)"/]
List paging call tag: {dede:pagelist listsize='4' listitem='index pre pageno next end '/}
Article title calling tag: {dede:field name="title"/}
Article source call tag: {dede:field name='source'/}
The article author calls the tag: {dede:field name='writer' /}
Article time call tag: {dede:field name='pubdate' function='GetDateMk(@me)'/}
Article Tag call tag: {dede:tag type='current'/}
Article click call tag:
Article content calling tag: {dede:field name='body'/}
Article paging call tag: {dede:pagebreak/}
Number of likes for the article Tag: {dede:field name='digg'/}
Like< ;/a>
Previous article Next article Tags: {dede:prenext get='pre'/}{dede:prenext get='next'/}
Toutiao recommended call tag: {dede:arclist row=1 titlelen=24 orderby=pubdate att=2} [field:textlink/]
[field:description/]…… {/dede:arclist}
Latest article call tag: {dede:arclist row=8 titlelen=24 orderby=pubdate}[field:textlink/] {/dede:arclist}
Hot keyword call tag: {dede:hotwords num='5' subday='30'/}
The latest image and text call tag: {dede:arclist row=4 titlelen=20 orderby=pubdate type='image.' imgwidth='152' imgheight='98'}
[field:title /] {/dede:arclist}
推荐文档调用标签: {dede:arclist type='commend' titlelen='40' row='10'} [field:title /] {/dede:arclist}
随机推荐调用标签: {dede:arclist type='commend' titlelen='26' orderby='rand' row='10'} [field:title /] {/dede:arclist}
热点文档调用标签: {dede:arclist orderby='click' titlelen='40' row='10'} [field:title /] {/dede:arclist}
相关文档调用标签: {dede:likeart titlelen='24' row='10'} [field:title /] {/dede:likeart}
[field:title /]
控制字数描述标记: [field:description function="cn_substr(@me,100)"/]...
调用文章tags标记: {dede:tag type='current'/}
文章关键字与描述: {dede:field name='keywords'/}
{dede:field name='description' function='html2text(@me)'/}
栏目介绍:{dede:field name='description' function='html2text(@me)'/}
调用外部htm文件:{dede:include file='head.htm' ismake='yes'/}
搜索文章调用标签:{dede:global name='keyword'/}"的搜索结果 - {dede:global name='cfg_webname'/} 搜索" {dede:global name='keyword'/}" 的结果
递增序列号: [field:global name=autoindex/]
{dede:list pagesize='50'}
target=_blank>[field:title function="cn_substr(@me,48)"/][field:pubdate runphp='yes']
$ntime = time();
$day3 = 3600 * 24;
if(($ntime - @me) < $day3) @me = $a;
else @me =$b;
[field:global name=autoindex runphp="yes"]
else @me="";
最新 文章列表 “隔行换色” 的方法
{dede:arclist orderby=pubdate titlelen='26' row='10'}
[field:global runphp='yes' name=autoindex]
if ((@me%2)==0) @me=$a;
else @me=$b;
Article times updated within 24 hours are displayed in red:
[field:pubdate runphp='yes']
$ntime = time();
$day3 = 3600 * 24;
if(($ntime - @me) < $day3) @me = $a;
else @me =$b;
COPY page content, automatically add website information at the end, which is beneficial to SEO
Click the article ranking to call the tag by time:
By total: {dede:arclist row='24' titlelen=24 orderby=click}
By month: {dede:arclist row='24' titlelen=8 orderby=click subday=30}
By week: {dede:arclist row='24' titlelen=8 orderby=click subday=7}
Call a sub-column of a column on the homepage
{dede:channel type=’sun’ typeid=’Column ID’}
{dede:global name=’maplist’/}
Search form call tag:
Implement the form of "article title - level 2 column - level 1 column - website name"
{dede:field name='title'/}-{dede:field name='position' runphp='yes'}
$tc="-"; //separator
$tw=$GLOBALS['cfg_list_symbol']; //Calling position separator
@me=html2text(@me); //Remove html tag
$tf=split($tw,@me); //Decompose into array
for($ta=(count($tf)-2);$ta>=1;$ta--){ //Loop assignment to $tk
@me=$tk; //Assign value to @me
{/dede:field}-{dede:global name='cfg_webname'/}
Call thumbnail:
Published articles display the date in red or add the word new or a small picture of new
Articles published in the past three days (or on the same day) will be displayed with a red date or the word new or a small picture of new, etc.
They all focus on pubdate and write extensions.
The 2nd and 3rd issues to note are: For example: " cannot use double quotes, otherwise it will not work.
If you want to add the same day, just change 3600 * 24 * 3 to 3600 * 24.
1. ==========Red date========
[field:pubdate runphp='yes']
$ntime = time();
$day3 = 3600 * 24 * 3;
if(($ntime - @me) < $day3) @me = $a;
else @me =$b;
2. ==========Red (new)========
[field:pubdate runphp='yes']
$ntime = time();
$tagtime = @me;
$day3 = 3600 * 24 * 3;
if($tagtime > $ntime-$day3) @me = "(new)";
else @me = $aa;
3. ==========Add new.gif small picture========
[field:pubdate runphp='yes']
$ntime = time();
$tagtime = @me;
$day3 = 3600 * 24 * 3;
if($tagtime > $ntime-$day3) @me = "".$aa;
else @me = $aa;
Time effect
[field:pubdate runphp="yes"]
if((time()-@me)<(60*60*24)){@me=' '.strftime("%H:%M",@me ).'';}
DEDE SEO Tips Add Baidu to search this article
【< font color=red>Search for more traditional Chinese characters on Baidu】
Change the URL without adding http
Call tag: {dede:field name='keywords' runphp='yes' }
$kws = explode(' ',@me);
@me = "";
foreach($kws as $k){
@me .= "$k ";
@me= str_replace('+', ' ',trim(@me));
Author: yu__yfchun125 // description call tag: meta name=keywords content={dede:field name=keywords/} meta name=description content={dede:field name=description function=html2text(@me)/} Template path adjustment...