The following figure shows the performance test of different versions of PHP, using the bench.php test script (this script has been available since PHP 5.1). The vertical axis is the time to complete the test, so the smaller the number, the better the score.

Rough test steps:
- Get the latest code for each version from PHP 5.1 to 5.4
- Compile using the most basic default configuration without any extensions
- Run bench.php 10 times and collect data
- Take the average and display it using Google Chart
The original data is as follows:

So what you can see is that PHP 5.4 has significant performance improvements compared to the previous version. Why not upgrade? // following figure shows the performance test of different versions of PHP, using the bench.php test script (this script Available since PHP 5.1). The ordinate is the time to complete the test, so the number...