Below are fifteen of the most useful PHP code snippets. You may also like to comment on any code or you can also share your code snippet in the comments section if you think it may be useful to others.
1. Send email using mail function in PHP
Released simultaneously with Webmaster Encyclopedia PHP tutorial
$to = "";
$subject = "";
$body = "Body of your message here you can use HTML too. e.g.
Bold ";
$headers = "From: Peterrn";
$headers .= "Reply-To: info@yoursite.comrn";
$headers .= "Return-Path: info@yoursite.comrn";
$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP5n";
$headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "rn";
2. Base64 encoding and decoding strings in PHP
function base64url_encode($plainText) {
$base64 = base64_encode($plainText);
$base64url = strtr($base64, '+/=', '-_,');
Return $base64url;
function base64url_decode($plainText) {
$base64url = strtr($plainText, '-_,', '+/=');
$base64 = base64_decode($base64url);
Return $base64;
3. Get remote IP address in PHP
function getRemoteIPAddress() {
Return $ip;
The above code will not work in case your client is behind a proxy server. In this case use the function to get the real IP address of the client.
function getRealIPAddr()
If (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) //check ip from share internet
elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) //to check ip is pass from proxy
Return $ip;
4. seconds to string
This function will return the days, hours, minutes and seconds during a given time period.
For example, secsToStr(1234567) will return "14 days, 6 hours, 56 minutes, 7 seconds"
function secsToStr($secs) {
if($secs>=86400){$days=floor($secs/86400);$secs=$secs%86400;$r=$days.' day';if($days<>1){$r .='s';}if($secs>0){$r.=', ';}}
if($secs>=3600){$hours=floor($secs/3600);$secs=$secs%3600;$r.=$hours.' hour';if($hours<>1){$ r.='s';}if($secs>0){$r.=', ';}}
if($secs>=60){$minutes=floor($secs/60);$secs=$secs%60;$r.=$minutes.' minute';if($minutes<>1){$ r.='s';}if($secs>0){$r.=', ';}}
$r.=$secs.' second';if($secs<>1){$r.='s';}
Return $r;
5. Email verification code snippet in PHP
$email = $_POST['email'];
if(preg_match("~([a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~])@([a-zA-Z0-9-]) .([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})~",$email)) {
echo 'This is a valid email.';
} else{
echo 'This is an invalid email.';
6. The easy way to parse XML using PHP
Required extension: SimpleXML
//this is a sample xml string
//load the xml string using simplexml function
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
//loop through the each node of molecule
foreach ($xml->molecule as $record)
//attribute are accessted by
echo $record['name'], ' ';
//node are accessted by -> operator
echo $record->symbol, ' ';
echo $record->code, '
if(basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) send_404();
$dbHost = "localhost"; //Location Of Database usually its localhost
$dbUser = "xxxx"; //Database User Name
$dbPass = "xxxx"; //Database Password
$dbDatabase = "xxxx"; //Database Name
$db = mysql_connect("$dbHost", "$dbUser", "$dbPass") or die ("Error connecting to database.");
mysql_select_db("$dbDatabase", $db) or die ("Couldn't select the database.");
# This function will send an imitation 404 page if the user
# types in this files filename into the address bar.
# only files connecting with in the same directory as this
# file will be able to use it as well.
function send_404()
header('HTTP/1.x 404 Not Found');
print ''."n".
The requested URL '.
str_replace(strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'), '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).
' was not found on this server.