in ThinkPHP
* Just let other Actions inherit the current CommonAction
class CommonAction extends Action{
public function verify(){
//Import verification code class
//Method 1:
//Method 2: @ represents the lib folder of the current project (you need to copy it yourself or write a new class yourself)
// import('@.ORG.Image')
// Image::buildImageVerify();
//Extended modifications
* @param string $length digits
* @param string $mode Type (0 letters, 1 number, 2 uppercase letters, 3 lowercase letters, 4 Chinese, 5 mixed)
* @param string $type image format
* @param string $width width
* @param string $height Height
* buildImageVerify($length=4,$mode=1,$type='png',$width=48,$height=22,$verifyName='verify')
//Chinese verification code (2.0 will have a problem: msubstr has an error)
//1. Modify function::msubstr
//2. Adding font ttf needs to be placed under the same level directory as image
//Extensions can be viewed in the class file
// Image::GBVerify();
in ThinkPHP
class PageAction extends CommonAction{
public function index(){
//Import page
$page=new Page($count, 3);
//Modify prompt information
$page->setConfig('header', "member");
$page->setConfig('prev', "previous group");
$page->setConfig('next', "next group");
$page->setConfig('first', "Homepage");
$page->setConfig('last', "last page");
//Define theme style (see documentation)
// $page->setConfig('theme', '
$list=$user->order('id desc')->limit($page->firstRow.','.$page->listRows)->select();
$this->assign('title','page demo');
function check(){
if ($verify!=md5($_POST['verify'])) {
function next(){
http://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/477786.html www.bkjia.com true http://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/477786.html TechArticle CommonAction [php] ?php /*** In ThinkPHP * Just let other Actions inherit the current CommonAction.*/ class CommonAction extends Action{ public function verify(){ //导入验证...