PHP data adding program code:
- $date date=date(”Y-m-d H:i:s”);
- //Get system time
- //Get the IP address of the speaker
- //Remove the spaces after the message content.
- $fp=fopen("gb.dat", "a");
- //Open the gb.dat text file in write-only mode, with the file pointer pointing to the end of the file.
$str=$ip.”|”.$date.”|”.$gb_name.”|”.$gb_email.”|”.$gb_home. ”|”.$face.”|”.$gb_qq.”|”.$head.”|”.$text.”|”.$reply.”n”;
- //Assign the data of all messages to the variable $str. The purpose of "|" is to use it as the data interval symbol when dividing data in the future.
- fwrite($fp,$str);
- //Write data to file
- fclose($fp);
- //Close the file
- showmessage("Message successfully!","index.php", "3");
- //Leave a message successfully and automatically return to the main interface after 3 seconds.
$gb_name, $gb_email, $gb_home, $face, $gb_qq, $head, $gb_text, $reply in the code of the PHP data program are generated by the speech form transmitted data. // data adding program code: $ date date =date(Y-m-dH:i:s); //Get System time$ ip =$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[REMOTE_ADDR]; //Get the speaking IP address$ text = encode ($gb_text); //Remove...