This tutorial collects a large number of array examples that PHP beginners need to use, including creating an array and using the first two array values as the key and value data of the new array to return the data into strings to split the array without retaining the original array key names. The number of occurrences of array elements is assigned to the new array and data operations such as calculating differences on key names are displayed.
This tutorial collects a large number of array examples for beginners in PHP tutorials, including creating an array and using the first two array values as the keys and values of the new array. The data is returned as a string and the array is split without retaining the original array. Key name: Assign the number of occurrences of the original array element to the new array and display data operations such as calculating differences on the key name
$array=array(1,1,1,1,1,8=>1,4=>1,19,3=>13); //Create array
print_r($array); //Output array content
$a=array('green','red','yellow'); //Define the first array
$b=array('avocado','apple','banana'); //Define the second array
$c=array_combine($a,$b); //Use the first two array values as the keys and values of the new array
print_r($c); //Output the newly created array
foreach(range(0,12)as $number) //Return array 0-12
echo $number.",";
echo "
foreach(range(0,100,10)as $number) //Return array 0, 10, 20...100
echo $number.",";
echo "
foreach(range('a','i')as $letter)
echo $letter.",";
echo "
foreach(range('c','a')as $letter) //Return array c, b, a
echo $letter.",";
$input_array=array('a','b','c','d','e'); //Define the initial array
print_r(array_chunk($input_array,2)); //Split the array without retaining the original array key name
print_r(array_chunk($input_array,2,true)); //Split the array and keep the original array key name
$array=array(1,"hello",1,"php","hello"); //Define an array
print_r(array_count_values($array)); //Assign the number of occurrences of the original array elements to the new array and display
$array1=array("a"=>"green","b"=>"brown","c"=>"blue","red"); //Define array 1
$array2=array("a"=>"green","yellow","red"); //Define array 2
$result=array_diff_assoc($array1,$array2); //Assign the difference between the two arrays to the array
print_r($result); //Output the content of the difference set
$array1=array('blue'=>1,'red'=>2,'green'=>3); //Define array 1
$array2=array('green'=>4,'blue'=>5,'yellow'=>6); //Define array 2
$result=var_dump(array_diff_key($array1,$array2)); //Calculate the difference set for the key name
//Define callback function
function key_compare_func($a, $b)
Return 0; //If the two parameters are equal, return 0
Return($a>$b)?1:-1; //If $a>$b returns 1, if it is less than 1, it returns -1
//Define two arrays respectively
//Use the callback function to do index checking to calculate the difference set of the array