if ($_GET['action'] == 'save') {
$up = new upload();
$fs = $up->execute();
class upload { //Allow attachment types to be
var $field; //Upload control name
var $maxsize; //Maximum allowed file size in KB
var $thumb_width; //Thumbnail width
var $thumb_height; //Thumbnail height
var $watermark_file; //Watermark image address var $watermark_pos; //Watermark position
var $watermark_trans;//Watermark transparency
//Constructor function
//$types: File types allowed to be uploaded, $maxsize: Allowed size, $field: Upload control name, $time: Custom upload time
function upload($types = 'jpg |png', $maxsize = 1024, $field = 'attach', $time = '') {
$this->allow_types = explode('|',$types);
$this-> ;maxsize = $maxsize * 1024;
//Set and create the directory where files are stored specifically. "
" //$basedir: Base directory, must be a physical path. d} 🎜> if (!emptyempty($filedir)) { ;time),date('m',$this->time),date('d',$this->time)),strtolower($filedir)); ',$filedir);
foreach ($dirs as $d) { !emptyempty($d) && $dir .= $d.'/';
!is_dir($dir) && @ mkdir($dir,0777); 🎜>
//Image thumbnail settings, no need to set if thumbnails are not generated
$this->thumb_width = $width; $this->thumb_height = $height; , if no watermark is generated, there is no need to set it.
//$file: watermark image, $pos: watermark position, $trans: watermark transparency
function set_watermark ($file, $pos = 6, $trans = 80) {
$this-> watermark_file = $file;
$this->watermark_pos = $pos;
$this->watermark_trans = $trans;
} > /*------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- Execute the file upload, and return a file information array containing a successful or failure of uploading or failure. If the upload fails, it is the local file name.
dir is the physical path to store the attachment on the server. If the upload fails, the value does not exist.
size is the size of the attachment. If the upload fails, the value does not exist. 1 means success, -1 means the file type is not allowed, -2 means the file size exceeds
--------------------------------- ------------------------------------*/ files = array(); //Successfully uploaded file information foreach ($keys as $key) { _FILES[$field]['name'][$key]); //Get the file extension
$filename = date('Ymdhis',$this->time).mt_rand(10,99).' . '. $ fileExt; // Generate file name
$ Filedir = $ this- & gt; dir; // The actual storage catalog of the attachment
$ Filesize = $ _Files [$ Field] [' SIZE '] [$ Key ]; //File size
$files[$key]['name'] = $_FILES[$field]['name'][$key];
$files[$key]['flag'] = -1;
if ($filesize > $this->maxsize) {
$files[$key]['name'] = $_FILES[$field]['name'][$key];
$files[$key]['name'] = $filesize;
$files[$key]['flag'] = -2;
$files[$key]['name'] = $filename;
$files[$key]['dir'] = $filedir;
$files[$key]['size'] = $filesize;
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'][$key])) {
$files[$key]['flag'] = 1;
if (in_array($fileext,array('jpg','png'))) {
if ($this->thumb_width) {
if ($this->create_thumb($filedir.$filename,$filedir.'thumb_'.$filename)) {
$files[$key]['thumb'] = 'thumb_'.$filename; //缩略图文件名
//Create a thumbnail, generate a thumbnail with the same extension
//$src_file : Source image path, $thumb_file : Thumbnail path = $this->thumb_height;
//If the source image is less than or equal to the thumbnail then Copy the source image as a thumbnail if ($src_info[0] <= $t_width && $src_info[1] <= $t_height) {
if (!copy($src_file,$thumb_file)) {
; > // Calculate the thumbnail size proportionally src_info[1] - $t_height) { _width = ($t_height / $src_info [1]) * $src_info[0]; 🎜>
switch ($fileext) {
case 'gif' :
$src_img = ImageCreateFromGIF($src_file); break;
If the degree is good, priority will be given
if (function_exists('imagecopyresampled')) {
@ImageCopyResampled($thumb_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$t_width,$t_height,$src_info[0],$src_info[1]) ; 🎜> }
b_img,$thumb_file); break;
ImageGIF($thumb_img,$thumb_file); break;
case 'png' :
ImagePNG($thumb_img,$thumb_file); break; Image @ I> // $ file: The file to add watermark
Function Create_watermark ($ File) {
// The file does not exist, and return
if (! File_exists ($ This- & GT; Watermark_file) || !file_exists($file)) return; $gd_allow_types = array();
if (function_exists('ImageCreateFromGIF')) $gd_allow_types['image/gif'] = 'ImageCreateFromGIF'; reateFromPNG ';
if (function_exists('ImageCreateFromJPEG')) $gd_allow_types['image/jpeg'] = 'ImageCreateFromJPEG';
$fileinfo = getImageSize($file);
$wminfo = getImageSize($this->watermark_file);
if ($fileinfo[0] < $wminfo[0] || $fileinfo[1] < $wminfo[1]) return;
if (array_key_exists($fileinfo['mime'],$gd_allow_types)) {
if (array_key_exists($wminfo['mime'],$gd_allow_types)) {
$temp = $gd_allow_types[$fileinfo['mime']]($file);
$temp_wm = $gd_allow_types[$wminfo['mime']]($this->watermark_file);
switch ($this->watermark_pos) {
case 1 : //顶部居左
$dst_x = 0; $dst_y = 0; break;
case 2 : //顶部居中
$dst_x = ($fileinfo[0] - $wminfo[0]) / 2; $dst_y = 0; break;
case 3 : //顶部居右
$dst_x = $fileinfo[0]; $dst_y = 0; break;
case 4 : //底部居左
$dst_x = 0; $dst_y = $fileinfo[1]; break;
case 5 : //底部居中
$dst_x = ($fileinfo[0] - $wminfo[0]) / 2; $dst_y = $fileinfo[1]; break;
case 6 : //底部居右
$dst_x = $fileinfo[0]-$wminfo[0]; $dst_y = $fileinfo[1]-$wminfo[1]; break; t_rand(0, $fileinfo[0]-$wminfo[0]); $dst_y = mt_rand(0,$fileinfo[1]-$wminfo[1]); 'ImageAlphaBlending' )) ImageAlphaBlending($temp_wm,True); //Set the image blending mode
if (function_exists('ImageSaveAlpha')) ImageSaveAlpha($temp_wm,True); //Save the complete alpha channel information 🎜> x,$dst_y,0,0,$wminfo[0],$wminfo [1],$this->watermark_trans); info[1] );
case 'image/jpeg' : file); ,$file); imageGIF($temp,$file); //Destroy the zero-time image >
function fileext($filename) {
return strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename,'.'),1,10));
} }