Here you can download dedecms and find the file lib_splitword_full.php, or go to to download the word segmentation package. Follow the following method to correctly use the dedecms word segmentation system.
dedecms word segmentation system call code
Here you can download dedecms and find the lib_splitword_full.php tutorial file, or go to to download the word segmentation package and follow the method below. The word segmentation system of dedecms can be used correctly.
$str = "Transactions in the first-line property market are light";
$t1 = exectime();
$sp = new splitword();
$t2 = exectime();
//$t0 = $t2-$t1;
/ /echo "Loading time: $t0
echo $sp->findnewword($sp->splitrmm($str))."< ;hr>";
echo $sp->splitrmm($str)."
echo $ str."
$t3 = exectime();
$t0 = $t3-$t2;
echo "
Processing time: $t0 < br>
function exectime(){
$time = explode(" ", microtime());
$usec = (double)$time[ 0];
$sec = (double)$time[1];
return $sec + $usec;