/** * File upload class */ class uploadFile { public $max_size = '1000000';//Set the upload file size public $file_name = 'date';//The renaming method represents naming by time, and others use given Name public $allow_types;//File extensions allowed to be uploaded, different file types are separated by "|" public $errmsg = '';//Error message public $uploaded = '' ;//Uploaded file name (including file path) public $save_path;//Uploaded file saving path private $files;//Submitted files waiting to be uploaded private $file_type = array() ;//File type private $ext = '';//Upload file extension /** * Constructor, initialization class * @access public * @param string $file_name Uploaded file name * @param string $save_path Uploaded target folder */ public function __construct($save_path = './upload/ ',$file_name = 'date',$allow_types = '') { use use to be named ->save_path = (preg_match('//$/',$save_path)) ? $save_path : $save_path . '/'; $this->allow_types = $allow_types == '' ? 'jpg| gif|png|zip|rar' : $allow_types; } /** * Upload files * @access public * @param $files Files waiting to be uploaded ($_FILES[] from the form) * @return boolean Return Boolean value */ public function upload_file($files) { $name = $files[ 'name']; $type = $files['type']; $size = $files['size']; $tmp_name = $files['tmp_name']; $error = $files['error']; switch ($error) { case 0 : $this->errmsg = ''; break; case 1 : $this->errmsg = 'Exceeded the file size in php.ini'; break; > Break; Case 5: $ this-& gt; errmsg = 'Upload file size is 0'; Break; default: $ this-& gt; errmsg = 'Upload file fails! '; break; } If($error == 0 && is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) { //Detect file type if($this->check_file_type($name) == FALSE){ return FALSE; = red>'.$name.' is too large, the maximum supported file is '.ceil($this->max_size/1024).'kb'; return FALSE; ?$this-> ;file_name.'.'.$this->ext : date('YmdHis').'.'.$this->ext;//Set the new file name ->save_path.$new_name;//Uploaded file name = 'File'.$this->uploaded.'Uploaded successfully! '; return TRUE; ! '; return FALSE; $filename){ $ext = $this->get_file_type($filename); $this->ext = $ext; $allow_types = explode('|',$this->allow_types);// Split the file extensions that are allowed to be uploaded into an array //echo $ext; //Check whether the uploaded file extension is among the file extensions that are allowed to be uploaded if(in_array($ext,$allow_types )){ return TRUE; Support upload & lt; font color = red & gt; '. Str_replace (' | ',', ', $ this- & gt; all_types). } } /** * Check the uploaded file type * @access public * @param string $filename The name of the file waiting to be checked * @return Returns TRUE if the check passes, FALSE and an error message if it fails */ public function get_file_type($filename){ $info = pathinfo ($filename); > Public function set_save_path(){ $this->save_path = (preg_match('//$/',$this->save_path)) ? $this->save_path : $this->save_path . '/'; if(!is_dir($this->save_path)){ //If the directory does not exist, create the directory } } /** * Set the saving path after uploading the file */ public function set_dir($dir = null){ //Check whether the path exists if(!$dir } '; } $dir = explode('/', $dir); foreach($dir as $v){ if($v){ $d .= $v . '/'; if(!is_dir($d)){ $state = mkdir($d, 0777); if(!$state) $this-> ;errmsg = 'Error creating directory ' . $d . '! ' ; class uploadImg extends uploadFile { public $mark_str = 'kickflip@php100'; //Watermark string public $str_r = 0; //String color R public $str_g = 0; // String color G public $str_b = 0; //String color B public $mark_ttf = './upload/SIMSUN.TTC'; //Watermark text font file (including path) public $mark_logo = './upload/logo.png'; //Watermark image public $resize_h;//Generate thumbnail height public $resize_w;//Generate thumbnail width public $source_img; //Source image file public $dst_path = './upload/';//Thumbnail file storage directory, if left blank, it will be the source image storage directory /** * Generate thumbnail The picture after the thumbnail is generated * @access public * @param integer $w The width of the reduced image (px) * @param integer $h The height of the reduced image (px) * @param string $source_img Source image ( Path + file name) */ public function img_resized($w,$h,$source_img = NULL){ $source_img = $source_img == NULL ? $this->uploaded : $source_img ;//Get the address of the source file. If it is empty, it defaults to the last uploaded image if(!is_file($source_img)) { //Check whether the source image exists $this->errmsg = 'File'.$source_img.' does not exist'; return FALSE; } $this->source_img = $source_img; $source = $this->img_create($source_img); //Create source image $this->resize_w = $w; $this->resize_h = $h; $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h); imagecopyresized($thumb,$source,0,0,0,0,$w,$h,$img_info[0],$img_info[1]);// Generate thumbnail images $dst_path = $this->dst_path == '' ? $this->save_path : $this->dst_path; //Get the target folder path $dst_path = (preg_match ('//$/',$dst_path)) ? $dst_path : $dst_path . '/';//Add / after the target folder if(!is_dir($dst_path)) $this-> set_dir($dst_path); //If the target folder does not exist, create $dst_name = $this->set_newname($source_img); $this->img_output($thumb,$dst_name); //Output image imagedestroy($source); imagedestroy($thumb); } /** *Watermark *@access public *@param string $source_img Source image path + file name *@param integer $mark_type Watermark type (1 is English string, 2 is Chinese character String, 3 is the picture logo, the default is the English string) *@param integer $mark_postion watermark position (1 is the lower left corner, 2 is the lower right corner, 3 is the upper left corner, 4 is the upper right corner, the default is the lower right corner) ; *@return watermarked picture */ public function img_mark($source_img = NULL,$mark_type = 1,$mark_postion = 2) { $source_img = $source_img == NULL ? $this->uploaded : $source_img;//Get the address of the source file, if it is empty, the default is the above The image uploaded this time if(!is_file($source_img)) { //Check whether the source image exists $this->errmsg = 'File'.$source_img.'does not exist'; return FALSE; } $this->source_img = $source_img; $img_info = getimagesize($source_img); $source = $this->img_create($source_img); // Create source image $mark_xy = $this->get_mark_xy($mark_postion);//Get the watermark position $mark_color = imagecolorallocate($source,$this->str_r,$this->str_g, $this->str_b); switch($mark_type) { case 1: //Add English string watermark $str = $this->mark_str; ImageString ($ Source, 5, $ Mark_xy [0], $ Mark_xy [1], $ Str, $ Mark_color); reak; Case 2: // Add Chinese string watermark if (! IS_FILE ($ this- & gt; mark_ttf)) {// Check whether the font file exists $ this- & gt; errmsg = 'Watermark failure: font failure: font File '. $ This- & gt; mark_ttf.' Does not exist! '; Return false; } $ Str = $ this- & gt; mark_str; // $ str = iconv (' '' ' gbk','utf-8',$str);//Convert character encoding. If you use GBK encoding, please remove the comment on this line . Watermark If(is_file($this->mark_logo)){ //If there is a watermark logo image, get the basic information of the logo image, if it does not exist, exit mark_logo); }else{ mark_logo); '; return FALSE; } $logo_info = getimagesize($this->mark_logo); if($logo_info[0]>$img_info[0] || $logo_info[1]>$img_info[1]) { //If the source image is smaller than the logo size, exit 'Smaller than '.$this->mark_logo.'! ' ; source, $logo, $mark_xy[ 4], $mark_xy[5], 0, 0, $logo_info[0], $logo_info[1]); > default: //Others are text images $str = $this->mark_str; imagestring($source,5,$mark_xy[0],$mark_xy[1],$str ,$mark_color); $this->img_output($source,$source_img); break; } imagedestroy($source); } /** * Get the watermark position * @access private * @param integer $mark_postion The position of the watermark (1 is the lower left corner, 2 is the lower right corner, 3 is the upper left corner, 4 is the upper right corner, others are right Lower corner) * @return array $mark_xy The coordinates of the watermark position (index 0 is the English string watermark coordinate X, index 1 is the English string watermark coordinate Y, * Index 2 is the Chinese string watermark coordinate X, Index 3 is the Chinese string watermark coordinate Y, index 4 is the watermark image coordinate X, index 5 is the watermark image coordinate Y) */ private function get_mark_xy($mark_postion){ $img_info = getimagesize($this->source_img); $stre_w = strlen($this->mark_str)*9+5; //The length of the watermark English string (px) (the English character size of size 5 is about 9px, plus 5px for beauty) (The Chinese character size of size 12 is 12px. In utf8, the length of a Chinese character is 3 bytes and 4px per byte, while the length of an English character is approximately 9px // In order to mix Chinese and English As shown below, set its length to the number of bytes*7px) $strc_w = strlen($this->mark_str)*7+5; //The length of the watermark Chinese string (px) If(is_file($this->mark_logo)){ //If there is a watermark logo image, get the basic information of the logo image $logo_info = getimagesize($this->mark_logo); } //Due to the different starting positions of strings in the imagestring function and imagettftext function, the Y positions of English and Chinese strings are also different //The imagestring function is referenced from the upper left corner of the text. The imagettftext function is From the lower left corner of the text as a reference switch($mark_postion){ case 1: //Position lower left corner $mark_xy[0] = 5; //Watermark English string coordinates X $mark_xy[1] = $img_info[1]-20; // Watermark English string coordinates Y $mark_xy[2] = 5; // Chinese string coordinates = $ img_info [1] -5; // Watermark Chinese string coordinates y $ MARK_XY [4] = 5; // Watermark image coordinates x $ MARK_XY [5] = $ img_info [1]-$ $ $ logo_info[1]-5; //Watermark image coordinates Y break; case 2: //Position lower right corner $mark_xy[0] = $img_info[0]-$stre_w; //Watermark English string coordinates ; //Watermark Chinese string coordinates logo_info[0]-5;//Watermark image coordinates case 3: //Position upper left corner _> $ Mark_xy [2] = 5; // Watermark Chinese string coordinates x $ Mark_xy [3] = 15; // Watermark Chinese String Coordinates y $ Mark_xy [4] = 5; // Watermark image coordinates img_info[0]-$stre_w; //Watermark English string coordinates $strc_w; //Watermark Chinese string coordinates$mark_xy[4] = $img_info[0]-$logo_info[0]-5;//Watermark image coordinates > default: // Other defaults are the lower right corner $mark_xy[0] = $img_info[0]-$stre_w; // Watermark English string coordinates X $mark_xy[1] = $img_info [1]-5;//The watermark English string coordinates Y img_info[1]-15;//Watermark Chinese string coordinates Y 5] = $img_info[1]-$logo_info[1]-5;//Watermark image coordinates Y break; } return $mark_xy; } / ** * Create a source image * @access private * @param string $source_img Source image (path + file name) * @return img Create an image from the target file */ private function img_create($source_img) { $info = getimagesize($source_img); switch ($info[2]){ case 1: If(!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')){ $source = @imagecreatefromjpeg($source_img); }else{ $source = @imagecreatefromgif ($source_img); } break; $source = @imagecreatefrompng($source_img); break ; $source = 🎜> break; } return $source; } /** * Rename the image * @access private * @param string $source_img Source image path + file name * @return string $dst_name Renamed image name (path + file name) */ private function set_newname($sourse_img) { $info = pathinfo($sourse_img); $new_name = $this->resize_w.'_'.$this->resize_h.'_'.$info['basename'];//Change the file name to: width_height_filename if( $this->dst_path == ''){ //If the path to store the thumbnail is empty, it defaults to the same folder as the source file ); }else{ $dst_name = $this->dst_path.$new_name; } return $dst_name; } /** * Output picture * @access private * @param $im processed image * @param $dst_name output image name (path + file name) * @return output image */ public function img_output($ im,$dst_name) { $info = getimagesize($this->source_img); switch ($info[2]){ case 1: if(!function_exists('imagegif ')){ imagejpeg($im,$dst_name); }else{ imagegif($im, $dst_name); } break; case 2: imagejpeg($im,$dst_name); 🎜> case 6: imagewbmp( $im,$dst_name); break; } } } ?>
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