WeChat public platform development (6) Translation function development_PHP tutorial

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The previous article introduced the development of the weather forecast function of the WeChat public platform and realized the first practical application of the WeChat public platform. In the next article, we will briefly develop the WeChat translation function. For readers' reference.

2. Idea analysis

The idea of ​​querying the weather is similar to the previous article. First, the message sent by the user must be judged to determine whether the message contains the "translation" keyword. If it does, extract the content to be translated, and then call the network Use the open translation API for related translations.

There are many translation APIs on the Internet, and you can choose according to your needs. Here we choose Youdao Translation API and Baidu Translation API, which are widely used and have relatively good translation functions. The relevant information of these two APIs will be analyzed below.

3.1 Youdao Translation API

3.1.1 API address: http://fanyi.youdao.com/openapi

Note: The API interface provided by Youdao, during the following test, the json data format returned is incorrect. Check the information online and the address that can be translated correctly is http://fanyi.youdao. com/fanyiapi, pay attention to this.

3.1.2 Apply for key

Fill in the relevant information as required. This information will be used below, so please fill it in carefully and truthfully.

After the application is completed, the API key and keyfrom will be generated below, which will be used when using the API.

3.1.3 API usage examples

3.1.4 Data format

a. xml format

http://fanyi.youdao.com/openapi.do?keyfrom=orchid&key=1008797533 &type=data&doctype=&version=1.1&q=This is Youdao Translation API

<span <?</span><span xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"</span><span ?></span>
<span <</span><span youdao-fanyi</span><span ></span>
    <span <</span><span errorCode</span><span ></span>0<span </</span><span errorCode</span><span ></span>
    <span <!--</span><span  有道翻译 </span><span --></span>
    <span <</span><span query</span><span ></span><span <![CDATA[</span><span 这里是有道翻译API</span><span ]]></span><span </</span><span query</span><span ></span>
    <span <</span><span translation</span><span ></span>
        <span <</span><span paragraph</span><span ></span><span <![CDATA[</span><span Here is the youdao translation API</span><span ]]></span><span </</span><span paragraph</span><span ></span>
    <span </</span><span translation</span><span ></span>
<span </</span><span youdao-fanyi</span><span ></span>
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<span {
    "translation":["translation"], // 有道翻译
    "basic":{ // 有道词典-基本词典
        "phonetic":"fān y&igrave;",
    "web":[ // 有道词典-网络释义
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3.2 Baidu Translation API

3.2.1 API address: http://openapi.baidu.com/public/2.0/bmt/translate

3.2.2 Get api key

The authorized API key obtained by developers registered on Baidu Connection Platform. For details, please refer to: http://developer.baidu.com/wiki/index.php?title=%E5%B8%AE%E5 %8A%A9%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5/%E7%BD%91%E7%AB%99%E6%8E%A5%E5% 85%A5/%E5%85%A5%E9%97%A8%E6%8C%87%E5%8D%97

3.2.3 API usage examples

The data format of Baidu Translation API response is a standard JSON string corresponding to a UTF-8 encoded PHP array.

<span {
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trans_result is an array, each {} is a paragraph, and the structure is as follows:

<span trans_result: [
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The paragraph result is an item in the trans_result array:

<span {
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Paragraph result description:

Form after json_decode:

<span {
    "from": "en",
    "to": "zh",
    "trans_result": [
            "src": "today",
            "dst": "今天"
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The format of the translation message is "translation + content to be translated", so first intercept the first two words to determine whether they are the "translation" keyword.

Use the PHP function mb_substr() to intercept. The usage of this function has been discussed in the previous article and will not be repeated here.

Start from the beginning of the message, intercept two characters, and then determine whether it is the "translation" keyword.

Determine whether to enter only the word "translation". If you enter this way, there is no content to be translated, and the entered message will not be correct.

The next step is to extract the content to be translated:

Start from the third character at the beginning of the message and intercept 202 characters. The intercepted content is the content to be translated.

Then call the function for translation.

<span //</span><span 调用有道词典</span>
<span $contentStr</span> = <span $this</span>->youdaoDic(<span $word</span><span );
</span><span //</span><span 调用百度词典</span>
<span $contentStr</span> = <span $this</span>->baiduDic(<span $word</span>);
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5.1 Youdao Translation API

Data interface:

http://fanyi.youdao.com/openapi.do?keyfrom=<span <</span><span keyfrom</span><span ></span><span &key</span>=<span <</span><span key</span><span ></span><span &type</span>=data<span &doctype</span>=<span <</span><span doctype</span><span ></span><span &version</span>=1.1<span &q</span>=要翻译的文本
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5.1.1 xml 格式


<span public</span> <span function</span> youdaoDic(<span $word</span><span ){

        </span><span $keyfrom</span> = "orchid";    <span //</span><span 申请APIKEY 时所填表的网站名称的内容</span>
        <span $apikey</span> = "YourApiKey";  <span //</span><span 从有道申请的APIKEY
        <span $url_youdao</span> = 'http://fanyi.youdao.com/fanyiapi.do?keyfrom='.<span $keyfrom</span>.'&key='.<span $apikey</span>.'&type=data&doctype=xml&version=1.1&q='.<span $word</span><span ;
        </span><span $xmlStyle</span> = <span simplexml_load_file</span>(<span $url_youdao</span><span );
        </span><span $errorCode</span> = <span $xmlStyle</span>-><span errorCode;

        </span><span $paras</span> = <span $xmlStyle</span>->translation-><span paragraph;

        </span><span if</span>(<span $errorCode</span> == 0<span ){
            </span><span return</span> <span $paras</span><span ;
        }</span><span else</span><span {
            </span><span return</span> "无法进行有效的翻译"<span ;
        }<br />}</span>
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$xmlStyle = simplexml_load_file($url_youdao);  // PHP 函数,将XML 文档载入对象中。

$errorCode = $xmlStyle->errorCode;  // 获取错误码

$paras = $xmlStyle->translation->paragraph;  // 获取翻译内容

5.1.2 json 格式


    <span public</span> <span function</span> youdaoDic(<span $word</span><span ){

        </span><span $keyfrom</span> = "orchid";    <span //</span><span 申请APIKEY时所填表的网站名称的内容</span>
        <span $apikey</span> = "YourApiKey";  <span //</span><span 从有道申请的APIKEY
        <span $url_youdao</span> = 'http://fanyi.youdao.com/fanyiapi.do?keyfrom='.<span $keyfrom</span>.'&key='.<span $apikey</span>.'&type=data&doctype=json&version=1.1&q='.<span $word</span><span ;
        </span><span $jsonStyle</span> = <span file_get_contents</span>(<span $url_youdao</span><span );

        </span><span $result</span> = json_decode(<span $jsonStyle</span>,<span true</span><span );
        </span><span $errorCode</span> = <span $result</span>['errorCode'<span ];
        </span><span $trans</span> = ''<span ;

        </span><span if</span>(<span isset</span>(<span $errorCode</span><span )){

            </span><span switch</span> (<span $errorCode</span><span ){
                </span><span case</span> 0:
                    <span $trans</span> = <span $result</span>['translation']['0'<span ];
                    </span><span break</span><span ;
                </span><span case</span> 20:
                    <span $trans</span> = '要翻译的文本过长'<span ;
                    </span><span break</span><span ;
                </span><span case</span> 30:
                    <span $trans</span> = '无法进行有效的翻译'<span ;
                    </span><span break</span><span ;
                </span><span case</span> 40:
                    <span $trans</span> = '不支持的语言类型'<span ;
                    </span><span break</span><span ;
                </span><span case</span> 50:
                    <span $trans</span> = '无效的key'<span ;
                    </span><span break</span><span ;
                </span><span default</span>:
                    <span $trans</span> = '出现异常'<span ;
                    </span><span break</span><span ;
        </span><span return</span> <span $trans</span><span ;
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$result = json_decode($jsonStyle,true);  // 对JSON 格式的字符串进行编码

$errorCode = $result['errorCode'];  // 获取错误码

$trans = $result['translation']['0'];  // 获取翻译结果

5.2 百度翻译API

百度翻译API提供UTF-8编码的PHP数组对应的标准JSON字符串,而且提供了 中->英,中->日,英->中,日->中 四种互译,比有道翻译多了一种。


    <span //</span><span 百度翻译</span>
    <span public</span> <span function</span> baiduDic(<span $word</span>,<span $from</span>="auto",<span $to</span>="auto"<span ){
        </span><span //</span><span 首先对要翻译的文字进行 urlencode 处理</span>
        <span $word_code</span>=<span urlencode</span>(<span $word</span><span );
        </span><span //</span><span 注册的API Key</span>
        <span $appid</span>="<span YourApiKey</span>"<span ;
        </span><span //</span><span 生成翻译API的URL GET地址</span>
        <span $baidu_url</span> = "http://openapi.baidu.com/public/2.0/bmt/translate?client_id=".<span $appid</span>."&q=".<span $word_code</span>."&from=".<span $from</span>."&to=".<span $to</span><span ;
        </span><span $text</span>=json_decode(<span $this</span>->language_text(<span $baidu_url</span><span ));

        </span><span $text</span> = <span $text</span>-><span trans_result;

        </span><span return</span> <span $text</span>[0]-><span dst;
    </span><span //</span><span 百度翻译-获取目标URL所打印的内容</span>
    <span public</span> <span function</span> language_text(<span $url</span><span ){

        </span><span if</span>(!<span function_exists</span>('file_get_contents'<span )){

            </span><span $file_contents</span> = <span file_get_contents</span>(<span $url</span><span );

        }</span><span else</span><span {
            </span><span //</span><span 初始化一个cURL对象</span>
            <span $ch</span> =<span  curl_init();

            </span><span $timeout</span> = 5<span ;

            </span><span //</span><span 设置需要抓取的URL</span>
            curl_setopt (<span $ch</span>, CURLOPT_URL, <span $url</span><span );

            </span><span //</span><span 设置cURL 参数,要求结果保存到字符串中还是输出到屏幕上</span>
            curl_setopt (<span $ch</span>, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1<span );

            </span><span //</span><span 在发起连接前等待的时间,如果设置为0,则无限等待</span>
            curl_setopt (<span $ch</span>, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, <span $timeout</span><span );

            </span><span //</span><span 运行cURL,请求网页</span>
            <span $file_contents</span> = curl_exec(<span $ch</span><span );

            </span><span //</span><span 关闭URL请求</span>
            curl_close(<span $ch</span><span );

        </span><span return</span> <span $file_contents</span><span ;
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baiduDic() 函数:

language_text() 函数:

有道翻译-xml 格式:

有道翻译-json 格式:




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