Various methods for determining whether a list is sorted in Python and its performance analysis

Release: 2016-07-21 14:53:15
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Based on the Python2.7 language, this article gives various methods to determine whether the list is sorted, and compares and analyzes its performance on the author's Windows XP host (Pentium G630 2.7GHz main frequency 2GB memory).

1. Question raising

Haskell training teacher asked a question: How to determine whether the list has been sorted?

Sorting or not is actually just some binary relationship between adjacent elements, that is, a->a->Bool. So the first step is to find the list of tuples; the second step is to apply this function to each tuple, and then use the and operation. The implementation code given by the teacher is as follows:

pair lst = zip lst ( tail lst )
sorted lst predict = and [ predict x y | (x,y) <- pair lst] 
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In Haskell, the equal sign is preceded by the name and parameters of the function, followed by the function definition. The pair function displaces the list lst (tail removes the first element of the list), and then combines it with the original list to form a tuple list of adjacent elements under the action of zip. The predict function accepts two numbers and returns True or False depending on the size. and sums all elements in a list of type [Bool], and its semantics are similar to Python's all() function.

Then, the teacher asked everyone to think about performance issues. The author proposed that if the accuracy requirements are not high, three sets of random numbers can be generated and sorted as subscripts, and the corresponding three sets of elements of the original list can be extracted to form three new sublists ("sampling"). If it is judged that the three sublists follow the same sorting rules, the original list is considered to be sorted. When the list is large and has been sorted in the previous section, selecting an appropriate number of random numbers can significantly reduce the scale of the operation while ensuring a certain accuracy.

In addition, data sources should also be considered in practical applications. For example, the os.listdir() method of the Python language returns list entries in alphabetical order on Windows systems, but returns out-of-order entries on Linux systems. Therefore, if the system platform (os.platform) is judged to be win32, the entries must have been sorted.

In order to compare and verify the feasibility of the random sampling method, the author first collected existing methods for judging list sorting on the Internet, mainly referring to the answers to the "Pythonic way to check if a list is sorted or not" question on the Stack Overflow website, and Relevant code examples are given in the second section of this article. Note that the "sorting" described in this article does not require strict sorting, that is, adjacent elements are allowed to be equal. For example, [1,2,2,3] is regarded as ascending order, and [3,3,2,2] is regarded as descending order.

2. Code implementation

The function name format for determining list sorting in this section is IsListSorted_XXX(). For the sake of brevity, except for code snippets and their output, they are always referred to as _XXX().

2.1 guess

def IsListSorted_guess(lst):
listLen = len(lst)
if listLen <= 1:
return True
if lst[0] == lst[-1]: #列表元素相同
for elem in lst:
if elem != lst[0]: return False
elif lst[0] < lst[-1]: #列表元素升序
for i, elem in enumerate(lst[1:]):
if elem < lst[i]: return False
else: #列表元素降序
for i, elem in enumerate(lst[1:]):
if elem > lst[i]: return False
return True 
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_guess() is the most general implementation and is almost language independent. It is worth noting that the possible collation of the given list is guessed within this function, so there is no need for the external caller to specify the collation.

2.2 sorted

def IsListSorted_sorted(lst):
return sorted(lst) == lst or sorted(lst, reverse=True) == lst 
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_sorted() uses the Python built-in function sorted(). Since sorted() sorts an unsorted list, the _sorted() function is mainly suitable for sorted lists.
If you want to determine if the list is unsorted and then sort it, it is better to call the sort() method of the list directly, because this method will internally determine whether the list is sorted. For a sorted list, the time complexity of this method is linear order O(n) - judging is O(n) and sorting is O(nlgn).

2.3 for-loop

def IsListSorted_forloop(lst, key=lambda x, y: x <= y):
for i, elem in enumerate(lst[1:]): #注意,enumerate默认迭代下标从0开始
if not key(lst[i], elem): #if elem > lst[i]更快,但通用性差
return False
return True 
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Regardless of whether the list is sorted or not, the time complexity of this function is linear order O(n). Note that the key parameter indicates that the default sorting rule is ascending order.

2.4 all

def IsListSorted_allenumk(lst, key=lambda x, y: x <= y):
return all(key(lst[i], elem) for i, elem in enumerate(lst[1:]))
import operator
def IsListSorted_allenumo(lst, oCmp=operator.le):
return all(oCmp(lst[i], elem) for i, elem in enumerate(lst[1:]))
def IsListSorted_allenumd(lst):
return all((lst[i] <= elem) for i, elem in enumerate(lst[1:]))
def IsListSorted_allxran(lst, key=lambda x,y: x <= y):
return all(key(lst[i],lst[i+1]) for i in xrange(len(lst)-1))
def IsListSorted_allzip(lst, key=lambda x,y: x <= y):
from itertools import izip #Python 3中zip返回生成器(generator),而izip被废弃
return all(key(a, b) for (a, b) in izip(lst[:-1],lst[1:])) 
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Lambda expressions and operator operators are equally fast. The former is simple and flexible, while the latter is slightly more efficient (actual measurement is not necessarily true). But neither is as fast as direct comparison of list elements (there may be calling overhead). That is, _allenumd() is faster than _allenumo() and _allenumk().

If you use lambda expressions to indicate sorting rules, you only need to change the comparison operator between x and y when changing the rules; if you use the operator module to indicate sorting rules, you need to change the object comparison method when changing the rules. Specifically, lt(x, y) is equivalent to x < y, le(x, y) is equivalent to x <= y, eq(x, y) is equivalent to x == y, ne(x, y) is equivalent to x != y, gt(x, y) is equivalent to x > y, ge(x, y) is equivalent to x >= y. For example, if the _allenumo() function wants strict ascending order, set

In addition, according to the help information of the all() function, _allenumk() is actually the equivalent form of _forloop().

2.5 numpy

def IsListSorted_numpy(arr, key=lambda dif: dif >= 0):
import numpy
if arr.dtype.kind == 'u': #无符号整数数组执行np.diff时存在underflow风险
arr = numpy.int64(lst)
except AttributeError:
pass #无dtype属性,非数组
return (key(numpy.diff(arr))).all() #numpy.diff(x)返回相邻数组元素的差值构成的数组 
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NumPy is a basic Python package for scientific computing that can store and process large matrices. It contains a powerful N-dimensional array object that is much more efficient than Python's own nested list structure. The measured data in Section 3 shows that _numpy() performs very well when processing large lists.

在Windows系统中可通过pip install numpy命令安装NumPy包,不建议登录官网下载文件自行安装。

2.6 reduce

def IsListSorted_reduce(iterable, key=lambda x, y: x <= y):
cmpFunc = lambda x, y: y if key(x, y) else float('inf')
return reduce(cmpFunc, iterable, .0) < float('inf') 
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2.7 imap

def IsListSorted_itermap(iterable, key=lambda x, y: x <= y):
from itertools import imap, tee
a, b = tee(iterable) #为单个iterable创建两个独立的iterator
next(b, None)
return all(imap(key, a, b)) 
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2.8 izip

def IsListSorted_iterzip(iterable, key=lambda x, y: x <= y):
from itertools import tee, izip
a, b = tee(iterable)
next(b, None)
return all(key(x, y) for x, y in izip(a, b))
def pairwise(iterable):
from itertools import tee, izip
a, b = tee(iterable)
next(b, None)
return izip(a, b) #"s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
def IsListSorted_iterzipf(iterable, key=lambda x, y: x <= y):
return all(key(a, b) for a, b in pairwise(iterable)) 
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2.9 fast

def IsListSorted_fastd(lst):
it = iter(lst)
prev =
except StopIteration:
return True
for cur in it:
if prev > cur:
return False
prev = cur
return True
def IsListSorted_fastk(lst, key=lambda x, y: x <= y):
it = iter(lst)
prev =
except StopIteration:
return True
for cur in it:
if not key(prev, cur):
return False
prev = cur
return True 
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_fastd()和_fastk()是Stack Overflow网站回答里据称执行最快的。实测数据表明,在列表未排序时,它们的性能表现确实优异。

2.10 random

import random
def IsListSorted_rand(lst, randNum=3, randLen=100):
listLen = len(lst)
if listLen <= 1:
return True

if lst[0] < lst[-1]: #列表元素升序
key = lambda dif: dif >= 0
else: #列表元素降序或相等
key = lambda dif: dif <= 0

threshold, sortedFlag = 10000, True
import numpy
if listLen <= threshold or listLen <= randLen*2 or not randNum:
return (key(numpy.diff(numpy.array(lst)))).all()
from random import sample
for i in range(randNum):
sortedRandList = sorted(sample(xrange(listLen), randLen))
flag = (key(numpy.diff(numpy.array([lst[x] for x in sortedRandList])))).all()
sortedFlag = sortedFlag and flag
return sortedFlag 
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三. 性能分析



>>>import random
>>> random.sample(range(10), 10); random.sample(range(10), 5)
[9, 1, 6, 3, 0, 8, 4, 2, 7, 5]
[1, 2, 5, 6, 0]
>>> rand = [random.randint(1,10) for i in range(10)]; rand
[7, 3, 7, 5, 7, 2, 4, 4, 9, 8]
>>> random.sample(rand, 5); random.sample(rand, 5)
[4, 7, 7, 9, 8]
[3, 9, 2, 5, 7]
>>> randGen = (random.randint(1,10) for i in range(10)); randGen
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x0192C878>
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from time import clock
TimeList = []
def FuncTimer(repeats=1000):
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
startTime = clock()
for i in xrange(repeats):
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception, e:
print '%s() Error: %s!' %(func.__name__, e)
ret = None
finally: #当目标函数发生异常时,仍旧输出计时信息
endTime = clock()
timeElasped = (endTime-startTime)*1000.0
msg = '%21s(): %s =>Time Elasped: %.3f msec, repeated %d time(s).' \
%(func.__name__, ret, timeElasped, repeats)
global TimeList; TimeList.append([timeElasped, msg])
return ret
return wrapper
return decorator
def ReportTimer():
global TimeList; TimeList.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
for entry in TimeList:
print entry[1]
TimeList = [] #Flush
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3.1 列表前段乱序


def TestHeadUnorderedList():
TEST_NAME = 'HeadUnorderedList'; scale = int(1e5)
List = random.sample(xrange(scale), scale) + range(scale)
print 'Test 1: %s, list len: %d' %(TEST_NAME, len(List))
IsListSorted_numpy(numpy.array(List)) #若不先转换为数组,则耗时骤增
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Test 1: HeadUnorderedList, list len: 200
IsListSorted_fastd(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.757 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_fastk(): False =>Time Elasped: 1.091 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_forloop(): False =>Time Elasped: 2.080 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_guess(): False =>Time Elasped: 2.123 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_allxran(): False =>Time Elasped: 2.255 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_allenumd(): False =>Time Elasped: 2.672 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_allenumo(): False =>Time Elasped: 3.021 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_allenumk(): False =>Time Elasped: 3.207 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_itermap(): False =>Time Elasped: 5.845 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_allzip(): False =>Time Elasped: 7.793 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_iterzip(): False =>Time Elasped: 9.667 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_iterzipf(): False =>Time Elasped: 9.969 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_numpy(): False =>Time Elasped: 16.203 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_sorted(): False =>Time Elasped: 45.742 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_reduce(): False =>Time Elasped: 145.447 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
Test 1: HeadUnorderedList, list len: 200000
IsListSorted_fastd(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.717 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_fastk(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.876 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_allxran(): False =>Time Elasped: 2.104 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_itermap(): False =>Time Elasped: 6.062 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_iterzip(): False =>Time Elasped: 7.244 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_iterzipf(): False =>Time Elasped: 8.491 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_numpy(): False =>Time Elasped: 801.916 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_forloop(): False =>Time Elasped: 2924.755 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_guess(): False =>Time Elasped: 2991.756 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_allenumo(): False =>Time Elasped: 3025.864 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_allenumk(): False =>Time Elasped: 3062.792 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_allenumd(): False =>Time Elasped: 3190.896 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_allzip(): False =>Time Elasped: 6586.183 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_sorted(): False =>Time Elasped: 119974.955 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
IsListSorted_reduce(): False =>Time Elasped: 154747.659 msec, repeated 1000 time(s).
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3.2 列表中段乱序


def TestMiddUnorderedList():
TEST_NAME = 'MiddUnorderedList'; scale = int(1e5)
List = range(scale) + random.sample(xrange(scale), scale) + range(scale)
print 'Test 2: %s, list len: %d' %(TEST_NAME, len(List))
IsListSorted_numpy(numpy.array(List)) # 1572.295 msec 
IsListSorted_guess(List) # 14540.637 msec
IsListSorted_itermap(List) # 21013.096 msec
IsListSorted_fastk(List) # 23840.582 msec
IsListSorted_allxran(List) # 31014.215 msec
IsListSorted_iterzip(List) # 33386.059 msec
IsListSorted_forloop(List) # 34228.006 msec
IsListSorted_allenumk(List) # 34416.802 msec
IsListSorted_allzip(List) # 42370.528 msec
IsListSorted_sorted(List) # 142592.756 msec
IsListSorted_reduce(List) # 187514.967 msec
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3.3 列表后段乱序


def TestTailUnorderedList():
TEST_NAME = 'TailUnorderedList'; scale = int(1e5)
List = range(scale, 0, -1) + random.sample(xrange(scale), scale)
print 'Test 3: %s, list len: %d' %(TEST_NAME, len(List))
IsListSorted_numpy(numpy.array(List), key=lambda dif: dif <= 0) # 980.789 msec 
IsListSorted_guess(List) # 13273.862 msec
IsListSorted_itermap(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 21603.315 msec
IsListSorted_fastk(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 24183.548 msec
IsListSorted_allxran(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 32850.254 msec
IsListSorted_forloop(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 33918.848 msec
IsListSorted_iterzip(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 34505.809 msec
IsListSorted_allenumk(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 35631.625 msec
IsListSorted_allzip(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 40076.330 msec
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3.4 列表完全乱序


def TestUnorderedList():
TEST_NAME = 'UnorderedList'; scale = int(1e5)
List = random.sample(xrange(scale), scale)
print 'Test 4: %s, list len: %d' %(TEST_NAME, len(List))
IsListSorted_fastk(List) # 0.856 msec
IsListSorted_allxran(List) # 3.438 msec
IsListSorted_iterzip(List) # 7.233 msec
IsListSorted_itermap(List) # 7.595 msec
IsListSorted_numpy(numpy.array(List)) # 207.222 msec
IsListSorted_allenumk(List) # 953.423 msec
IsListSorted_guess(List) # 1023.575 msec
IsListSorted_forloop(List) # 1076.986 msec
IsListSorted_allzip(List) # 2062.821 msec
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3.5 列表元素相同


```python def TestSameElemList(): TEST_NAME = 'SameElemList'; scale = int(1e5) List = [5]*scale print 'Test 5: %s, list len: %d' %(TEST_NAME, len(List)) IsListSorted_numpy(numpy.array(List)) # 209.324 msec IsListSorted_sorted(List) # 2760.139 msec IsListSorted_guess(List) # 5843.942 msec IsListSorted_itermap(List) # 20609.704 msec IsListSorted_fastk(List) # 23035.760 msec IsListSorted_forloop(List) # 29043.206 msec IsListSorted_allenumk(List) # 29553.716 msec IsListSorted_allxran(List) # 30348.549 msec IsListSorted_iterzip(List) # 32806.217 msec ReportTimer()
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3.6 列表升序


def TestAscendingList():
TEST_NAME = 'AscendingList'; scale = int(1e5)
List = range(scale)
print 'Test 6: %s, list len: %d' %(TEST_NAME, len(List))
IsListSorted_numpy(numpy.array(List)) # 209.217 msec
IsListSorted_sorted(List) # 2845.166 msec
IsListSorted_fastd(List) # 5977.520 msec
IsListSorted_guess(List) # 10408.204 msec
IsListSorted_allenumd(List) # 15812.754 msec
IsListSorted_itermap(List) # 21244.476 msec
IsListSorted_fastk(List) # 23900.196 msec
IsListSorted_allenumo(List) # 28607.724 msec
IsListSorted_forloop(List) # 30075.538 msec
IsListSorted_allenumk(List) # 30274.017 msec
IsListSorted_allxran(List) # 31126.404 msec
IsListSorted_reduce(List) # 32940.108 msec
IsListSorted_iterzip(List) # 34188.312 msec
IsListSorted_iterzipf(List) # 34425.097 msec
IsListSorted_allzip(List) # 37967.447 msec
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3.7 列表降序


def TestDescendingList():
TEST_NAME = 'DescendingList'; scale = int(1e2)
List = range(scale, 0, -1)
print 'Test 7: %s, list len: %d' %(TEST_NAME, len(List))
IsListSorted_numpy(numpy.array(List), key=lambda dif: dif <= 0) # 209.318 msec
IsListSorted_sorted(List) # 5707.067 msec
IsListSorted_guess(List) # 10549.928 msec
IsListSorted_itermap(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 21529.547 msec
IsListSorted_fastk(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 24264.465 msec
import operator; IsListSorted_allenumo(List, # 28093.035 msec
IsListSorted_forloop(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 30745.943 msec
IsListSorted_allenumk(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 32696.205 msec
IsListSorted_allxran(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 33431.473 msec
IsListSorted_allzip(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 34837.019 msec
IsListSorted_iterzip(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 35237.475 msec
IsListSorted_reduce(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y) # 37035.270 msec
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3.8 迭代器测试



def TestIter():
TEST_NAME = 'Iter'; scale = int(1e7)
List = range(scale) #升序
# List = random.sample(xrange(scale), scale) #乱序
print 'Test 8: %s, list len: %d' %(TEST_NAME, len(List))
iterL = iter(List); IsListSorted_guess(list(iterL))
iterL = iter(List); IsListSorted_sorted(iterL)
iterL = iter(List); IsListSorted_itermap(iterL)
iterL = iter(List); IsListSorted_iterzipf(iterL)
iterL = iter(List); IsListSorted_iterzip(iterL)
iterL = iter(List); IsListSorted_reduce(iterL)
iterL = iter(List); IsListSorted_fastd(iterL)
iterL = iter(List); IsListSorted_fastk(iterL, key=lambda x, y: x >= y)
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Test 8: Iter, list len: 10000000 ---升序
IsListSorted_fastd(): True =>Time Elasped: 611.028 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_sorted(): False =>Time Elasped: 721.751 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_guess(): True =>Time Elasped: 1142.065 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_itermap(): True =>Time Elasped: 2097.696 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_fastk(): True =>Time Elasped: 2337.233 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_reduce(): True =>Time Elasped: 3307.361 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_iterzipf(): True =>Time Elasped: 3354.034 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_iterzip(): True =>Time Elasped: 3442.520 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
Test 8: Iter, list len: 10000000 ---乱序
IsListSorted_fastk(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.004 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_fastd(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.010 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_iterzip(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.015 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_itermap(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.055 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_iterzipf(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.062 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_guess(): False =>Time Elasped: 736.810 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_reduce(): False =>Time Elasped: 8919.611 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_sorted(): False =>Time Elasped: 12273.018 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
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3.9 随机采样测试


def TestRandList():
scale = int(1e6)
List = random.sample(xrange(scale), scale) + range(scale)
print 'Test 1: %s, list len: %d' %('HeadUnorderedList', len(List))
IsListSorted_rand(List, randNum=1)
List = range(scale) + random.sample(xrange(scale), scale) + range(scale)
print 'Test 2: %s, list len: %d' %('MiddUnorderedList', len(List))
IsListSorted_rand(List, randNum=1)
List = range(scale, 0, -1) + random.sample(xrange(scale), scale)
print 'Test 3: %s, list len: %d' %('TailUnorderedList', len(List))
IsListSorted_fastk(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y)
IsListSorted_numpy(numpy.array(List), key=lambda dif: dif <= 0)
IsListSorted_rand(List, randNum=1)
List = [random.randint(1,scale) for i in xrange(scale)] #random.sample(xrange(scale), scale)
print 'Test 4: %s, list len: %d' %('UnorderedList', len(List))
IsListSorted_rand(List, randNum=1)
List = [5]*scale
print 'Test 5: %s, list len: %d' %('SameElemList', len(List))
IsListSorted_rand(List, randNum=1)
List = range(scale)
print 'Test 6: %s, list len: %d' %('AscendingList', len(List))
IsListSorted_rand(List, randNum=1)
List = range(scale, 0, -1)
print 'Test 7: %s, list len: %d' %('DescendingList', len(List))
IsListSorted_fastk(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y)
IsListSorted_numpy(numpy.array(List), key=lambda dif: dif <= 0)
IsListSorted_rand(List, randNum=1)
List = range(scale, 0, -1); List[scale/2]=0
print 'Test 8: %s, list len: %d' %('MiddleNotchList', len(List))
IsListSorted_fastk(List, key=lambda x, y: x >= y)
IsListSorted_numpy(numpy.array(List), key=lambda dif: dif <= 0)
IsListSorted_rand(List, randNum=1)
IsListSorted_rand(List, randNum=1, randLen=scale/2)
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Test 1: HeadUnorderedList, list len: 2000000
IsListSorted_fastk(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.095 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_rand(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.347 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_numpy(): False =>Time Elasped: 7.893 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
Test 2: MiddUnorderedList, list len: 3000000
IsListSorted_rand(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.427 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_numpy(): False =>Time Elasped: 11.868 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_fastk(): False =>Time Elasped: 210.842 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
Test 3: TailUnorderedList, list len: 2000000
IsListSorted_rand(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.355 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_numpy(): False =>Time Elasped: 7.548 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_fastk(): False =>Time Elasped: 280.416 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
Test 4: UnorderedList, list len: 1000000
IsListSorted_fastk(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.074 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_rand(): False =>Time Elasped: 0.388 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_numpy(): False =>Time Elasped: 3.757 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
Test 5: SameElemList, list len: 1000000
IsListSorted_rand(): True =>Time Elasped: 0.304 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_numpy(): True =>Time Elasped: 3.955 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_fastk(): True =>Time Elasped: 210.977 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
Test 6: AscendingList, list len: 1000000
IsListSorted_rand(): True =>Time Elasped: 0.299 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_numpy(): True =>Time Elasped: 4.822 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_fastk(): True =>Time Elasped: 214.171 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
Test 7: DescendingList, list len: 1000000
IsListSorted_rand(): True =>Time Elasped: 0.336 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_numpy(): True =>Time Elasped: 3.867 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_fastk(): True =>Time Elasped: 279.322 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
Test 8: MiddleNotchList, list len: 1000000
IsListSorted_rand(): True =>Time Elasped: 0.387 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_numpy(): False =>Time Elasped: 4.792 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_rand(): False =>Time Elasped: 78.903 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
IsListSorted_fastk(): False =>Time Elasped: 110.444 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
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