Agni Website Building Academy (Bkjia.Com) Network Programming There are many ways to list the current file list in PHP on the Internet. Recently, The editor of synthesized some information on the Internet, rewritten it, and felt that this was the best method, so he published the code.
The following is the quoted content:
function tree($directory) { echo date(”Y-m-d H:i:s”); $i=0; $mydir=dir($directory); echo “ n”; while($file=$mydir->read() AND $i<5) { if((is_dir(”$directory”)) AND ($file!=”.”) AND ($file!=”..”)) { $filetime=date(”Y-m-d H:i:s”,filectime($file)); //encode spaces $file = rawurlencode($file); // convert the + (this is one result from the function rawurlencode) in %20 $url = str_replace(’+’ , ‘%20′ , $file); echo “- ”.$url.” $filetime
n”; $i+=1; } } echo “ n”; $mydir->close(); }
tree(”.”); // 列出当前目录 ?>
function tree($directory) { echo date(”Y-m-d H:i:s”); $i=0; $mydir=dir($directory); echo “n”; while($file=$mydir->read() AND $i<5) { if((is_dir(”$directory”)) AND ($file!=”.”) AND ($file!=”..”)) { $filetime =date(”Y-m-d H:i:s”,filectime($file)); //encode spaces $file = rawurlencode($file); // convert the + ( this is one result from the function rawurlencode) in %20 $url = str_replace('+' , '%20′ , $file); echo “- ”.$url.” $filetime
n” ; $i+=1; } } echo “ n”; $mydir->close(); }
tree(”.”); // List the current directory ?>
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LieHuo.Net Network Programming There are many ways to list the current file list in PHP on the Internet Recently, the editor of synthesized some information on the Internet and rewritten it...