I haven’t written a post for a long time. Always busy with new projects. Recently, I have been working on a verification code program, and I have always wanted to make it simple and elegant, but it is difficult to automatically identify it. Through these collections, I found that the general approach has the following solutions:
1. Font variation (generally distorted through algorithms, the more representative one is: http://code.google.com/p /cool-php-captcha/
2. Font pasting (the QQ verification code is represented here. It is still difficult to find online and crack the QQ verification code)
3. Interference lines and noise points (this kind of identification is quite easy and can be automatically identified by the program)
For the above mentioned, the 1st and 2nd methods, during identification, is more difficult. Personally, I prefer the second method, as it doesn't seem very laborious. And the twisted text always feels weird. Haha, purely personal preference.
Implementation code:
Copy code The code is as follows:
*With text rotation, tilting, pasting, and adding sine interference line verification code*
*@version 0.1
*@author http://www.cnblogs.com/chengmo
*@copyright Cheng Mo QQ:8292669
class Utils_Caption
var $Width = 60; //Image width
var $Height = 30; //Picture height
var $Length = 4; //Verification code digits
var $BgColor = "#FFFFFF"; //Background color
var $TFonts = array("font.ttf ");
var $TFontSize=array(17,20); //Font size range
var $TFontAngle=array(-20,20); //Rotation angle
var $Chars = "0123456789 "; //Verification code range (alphanumeric)
var $Code = array(); //Verification code
var $Image = ""; // Graphic object
var $FontColors=array(' #f36161','#6bc146','#5368bd'); //Font color, red, green and blue
var $TPadden = 0.75;///Character spacing, how many characters
var $Txbase = 5; ///The distance on both sides of the x-axis
var $Tybase =5;///The distance on both sides of the y-axis
var $TLine =true; ///Draw interference lines
public function RandRSI() ///Generate Verification code
$this->TFontSize=range ($this->TFontSize[0],$this->TFontSize[1]);
$TFontAngle =$this->TFontAngle;
$font=dirname (__FILE__)."/font/".$this->TFonts[0];
$anglelen=count($TFontAngle)-1; // Angle range
$fontsizelen=count($TFontSize)-1; // Angle range
$fontcolorlen=count($FontColors)-1; // Angle range
for($i=0;$i< ;$this->Length;$i++) ///Get the character and color
$char=$Chars[rand(0,$charlen)]; ///Get the character
$angle =$TFontAngle[rand(0,$anglelen)]; ///Rotation angle
$fontsize=$TFontSize[rand(0,$fontsizelen)]; ///Font size
$fontcolor=$FontColors[ rand(0,$fontcolorlen)]; ///Font size
$bound=$this->_calculateTextBox($fontsize,$angle,$font,$char); ///Get range
$arr []=array($fontsize,$angle,$fontcolor,$char,$font,$bound); ///Get the rectangular frame
$this- >Code=$arr; //Verification code
return $code;
public function Draw() ///Draw
if(empty($this-> Code)) $this->RandRSI();
$codes=$this->Code; ///User verification code
$height=$wh[1]; ///Height
$this->Height=$ height;
$this->Image = imageCreate( $width, $height );
$back = $this->_getColor2($this- >_getColor( $this->BgColor)); ///Background color
imageFilledRectangle($image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $back); ///Filled background
$TPadden =$this->TPadden;
foreach ($codes as $v) ///Draw characters one by one
imagettftext($image, $v [0], $v[1], $basex, $bound['height'],$color , $v[4], $v[3]);
$basex=$basex+$bound['width ']*$TPadden-$bound['left'];///Calculate the next left margin
$this->TLine?$this->_wirteSinLine($color,$basex): null; ///Draw interference lines
header("Content-type: image/png");
imagepng( $image);
*Get the font rectangle width through the font angle*
* @param int $font_size font size
* @param float $font_angle rotation angle
* @param string $font_file font file path
* @param string $text Write characters
* @return array Return length, width and height
private function _calculateTextBox($font_size, $font_angle, $font_file, $text) {
$box = imagettfbbox($font_size, $font_angle, $font_file, $text);
$min_x = min(array($box[0], $box[2], $box[4], $box[6]));
$max_x = max(array($box[0], $box[2], $box[4], $box[6]));
$min_y = min(array($box[1], $box[3], $box[5], $box[7]));
$max_y = max(array($box[1], $box[3], $box[5], $box[7]));
return array(
'left' => ($min_x >= -1) ? -abs($min_x + 1) : abs($min_x + 2),
'top' => abs($min_y),
'width' => $max_x - $min_x,
'height' => $max_y - $min_y,
'box' => $box
private function _getColor( $color ) //#ffffff
return array(hexdec($color[1].$color[2]),hexdec($color[3].$color[4]),hexdec($color[5].$color[6]));
private function _getColor2( $color ) //#ffffff
return imagecolorallocate ($this->Image, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
private function _getImageWH($data)
foreach ($data as $v)
return array(max($w,$this->Width),max($h,$this->Height));
private function _wirteSinLine($color,$w)
font.ttf ,一个简单粗体文件。
复制代码 代码如下: