Use a custom plug-in to load data in smarty (see: Detailed introduction to writing Smarty plug-ins to load data directly in templates). It still feels inconvenient when using it. I had an idea and wanted to write a tag like foreach:
Step one: Add in the _compile_tag function of Smarty_Compiler.class.php:
Copy the code The code is as follows:
//Start tag of loading data
case 'load':
return $this->_complie_load_start($ tag_args);
//End tag of loading data
case '/load':
return " php endforeach; endif; unset(/$_from); ?>";
Step 2: Add a method:
Copy code The code is as follows:
* Load data
* @param $tag_args
function _complie_load_start($tag_args)
$key = substr(md5($tag_args), 8, 16); //Generate a special variable name based on the parameters
$attrs = $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args);
//Here More processing can be added
$class = (!isset($attrs['class']) || empty($attrs['class'])) ? 'cls_crud' : trim($attrs['class' ]);
(!isset($attrs['table']) || empty($attrs['table'])) && exit('`table` is empty!');
$db = $class::factory(array('table' => substr($attrs['table'], 1, -1)));
//Define new variables
$this->_tpl_vars[ $key] = $db->get_block_list(array(substr($attrs['where'], 1, -1)), $attrs['limit']);
$tag_args = "from=/$ {$key} " . $tag_args;
//Call the foreach tag processing function for processing
return $this->_compile_foreach_start($tag_args);
In this way, you can use the load tag in the template. Usage example:
Copy code The code is as follows:
{load table="test" where="`id`< 100" limit=10 item=rec}
{/load} // custom plug-ins in smarty to load data (see: details on writing Smarty plug-ins to load data directly in templates Introduction), I still felt that it was not convenient enough when using it, so I had an idea...