set/add/replace | |
查找关键字 | |
客户机使用它存储关于键值对的额外信息 | |
该数据的存活时间,0表示永远 | |
存储字节数 | |
存储的数据块(可直接理解为key-value结构中的value) |
可以通过“get 键名”的方式查看添加进去的记录:
cas即checked and set的意思,只有当最后一个参数和gets所获取的参数匹配时才能存储,否则返回“EXISTS”。
2、stats items
执行stats items,可以看到STAT items行,如果memcached存储内容很多,那么这里也会列出很多的STAT items行。
3、stats cachedump slab_id limit_num
我们执行stats cachedump 1 0 命令效果如下:这里slab_id为1,是由2中的stats items返回的结果(STAT items后面的数字)决定的;limit_num看起来好像是返回多少条记录,猜的一点不错, 不过0表示显示出所有记录,而n(n>0)就表示显示n条记录,如果n超过该slab下的所有记录,则结果和0返回的结果一致。
通过stats items、stats cachedump slab_id limit_num配合get命令可以遍历memcached的记录。
如stats slabs,stats sizes,stats reset等等使用也比较常见。
1、append 在现有的缓存数据后添加缓存数据,如现有缓存的key不存在服务器响应为NOT_STORED。
3、flush_all 该命令有一个可选的数字参数。它总是执行成功,服务器会发送 “OK\r\n” 回应。它的效果是使已经存在的项目立即失效(缺省),或在指定的时间后。此后执行取回命令,将不会有任何内容返回(除非重新存储同样的键名)。 flush_all 实际上没有立即释放项目所占用的内存,而是在随后陆续有新的项目被储存时执行(这是由memcached的懒惰检测和删除机制决定的)。
The effect of flush_all is that it causes all items whose update time is earlier than the time set by flush_all to be ignored when the retrieval command is executed.
4. Other commands
memcached also has many commands. For example, for numbers stored in numbers, you can use the incr/decr command to increase or decrease operations, etc., only development is listed here. and commands frequently used in operation and maintenance. Others will not be explained one by one with examples.
An additional note: Briefly understand several types of caches in the .net framework
The importance of caching in web sites is undoubted. I think the cache that many ASP.NET developers prioritize when developing web application systems is not third-party caching solutions (such as distributed cache memcached, redis, etc.), but the various caches already provided by the .NET framework. Caching solution. Let's talk about the understanding of caching in .net framework based on my own development experience.
1. System.Web.Caching.Cache
It is estimated that most people who have done asp.net development have used the cache under this namespace. We can use HttpContext.Current directly. Cache instance without instantiation. Of course, the Cache class under this namespace allows you to instantiate it. If you need to customize your own cache system, you can of course fully control how to initialize this class. I have seen many articles in the garden introducing Cache's CRUD auxiliary class libraries. Most of them are for System.Web.Caching.Cache.
It should be noted that we can also use HttpRuntime.Cache under this namespace to implement caching in different manifestations such as web, console, winform, etc., and there is no need to instantiate it by ourselves. HttpRuntime.Cache is a class that was used frequently in personal development before. Now I prefer the enhanced cache class MemoryCache in .net framework 4.0.
2. Output Cache
As we all know, the output cache is mainly divided into page output cache and page partial cache. To put it bluntly, it means caching the HTML of the entire page or part of the HTML. It was originally nothing worth discussing, but recently I saw this blog by dudu and suddenly realized that using it is really important. Why didn’t I find this problem before? ? It seems that the ability to find problems is equally important as the ability to solve problems, and sometimes the former is even more important.
3. System.Runtime.Caching
MemoryCache, the most commonly used class in personal development now, comes from this namespace and needs to be referenced using System.Runtime.Caching before use. MemoryCache inherits from ObjectCache, IEnumerable, IDisposable, where ObjectCache is an abstract class. Anyone who has used MemoryCache knows that this MemoryCache has an attribute called Default, which can usually be used as follows:
private static ObjectCache memCache = MemoryCache.Default; Of course, we can also initialize the cache object through the public MemoryCache(string name, NameValueCollection config = null) constructor.
Then we can configure the memory usage quota scheme and quota check cycle of each MemoryCache instance in the web.config file. For the following example, refer to MSDN: