stream_bucket_append function: add data to the queue
stream_bucket_make_writeable function: return a data object from the operation queue
stream_bucket_new function: create a new data for the current queue
stream_bucket_prepend function: prepare data to the queue
stream_context_create function: create a data stream context
stream_context_get_default function: get the default data flow context
stream_context_get_options function: get the settings of the data stream
stream_context_set_option function: set the data stream, data packet or context
stream_context_set_params function: Set parameters for data streams, data packets or contexts
stream_copy_to_stream function: Copy operations between data streams
Stream_filter_append function: Add filters to data streams
Stream_filter_prepend function: Prepare for data streams Add a filter
stream_filter_register function: register a filter for a data stream and execute it as a PHP class
stream_filter_remove function: remove the filter from a data stream
stream_get_contents function: read the remaining data in the data stream to string
stream_get_filters function: Returns the list of registered data stream filters
stream_get_line function: Gets the line from the data stream resource according to the given delimiter
stream_get_meta_data function: From the encapsulated protocol file pointer Get headers/metadata
stream_get_transports function: return the registered Socket transport list
stream_get_wrappers function: return the registered data stream list
stream_register_wrapper function: register a URL wrapping protocol implemented with PHP class
stream_select function : Receive data stream arrays and wait for their status to change
stream_set_blocking function: Set a data stream to a blocked or non-blocking state
stream_set_timeout function: Set the timeout for the data stream
Stream_set_write_buffer function: Set the data stream Buffer
stream_socket_accept function: accept the Socket connection created by the function stream_socket_server()
stream_socket_client function: open the Socket connection of the network or UNIX host
stream_socket_enable_crypto function: turn on or off data encryption for a connected Socket
stream_socket_get_name function: Get the name of the local or network Socket
stream_socket_pair function: Create two indistinguishable Socket data stream connections
stream_socket_recvfrom function: Get data from the Socket, regardless of whether it is connected or not
stream_socket_sendto function : Send data to the Socket, regardless of whether it is connected or not
stream_socket_server function: Create a network or UNIX Socket server
stream_wrapper_restore function: Restore a previously unregistered data packet
stream_wrapper_unregister function: Unregister a URL address packet