Copy code The code is as follows:
// The field string is
$querys = array ("name"=>"shian");
// What is the value equal to?
$querys = array("number"=>7);
// What is the value greater than How many
$querys = array("number"=>array('$gt' => 5));
// How many values are greater than or equal to
$querys = array("number "=>array('$gte' => 2));
//How much the value is less than?
$querys = array("number"=>array('$lt' => ; 5));
//How many values are less than or equal to
$querys = array("number"=>array('$lte' => 2));
// What is the value between
$querys = array("number"=>array('$gt' => 1,'$lt' => 9));
// The value is not equal to a certain value
$querys = array("number"=>array('$ne' => 9));
// Use js to query the conditions
$js = "function(){
return this.number == 2 && == 'shian';
$querys = array('$where'=>$js) ;
//What values does the field equal?
$querys = array("number"=>array('$in' => array(1,2,9)));
//What values does the field not equal?
$querys = array("number"=>array('$nin' => array(1,2,9)));
// Use regular query
$querys = array("name" => new MongoRegex("/shi/$i"));
// or
$querys = array ('$or' => array(array('number'=>2),array('number'=>9)));
?> // the code as follows: ?php // The field string is $querys = array("name"=" shian"); // What is the value equal to? $querys = array("number"=7); // What is the value greater than? $querys = array("number...