// Request PHPmailer class file
//Send Email function
function smtp_mail ( $sendto_email, $subject, $body, $extra_hdrs, $user_name) {
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->IsSMTP(); >Host = "smtp.163.com"; // SMTP servers
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; ssiejl"; // SMTP username Note: Ordinary mail authentication does not require adding @domain name
$mail->Password = "1983106"; pieces Person's email address
$mail->FromName = "WWW.NIUTW.COM"; // Sender, such as Aimei Matching Network
$mail->CharSet = "GB2312"; Specify character set!
$mail->Encoding = "base64";
$mail->AddAddress($sendto_email,$user_name); // Recipient email and name
$mail-> AddReplyTo("","Web Home");
//$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap
//$mail->AddAttachment("/var/ tmp/file.tar.gz"); //Attachment 2
$mail->IsHTML(true); File
$mail-> ;Body = <<
Treasurery Online Weekly
$mail->AltBody ="text/html";
info_write("ok.txt","$user_name sent successfully");
} >ErrorInfo");
// End of sending Email function
// Write sending result function, error log record
function info_write($filename,$ info_log)
$info.= $info_log;
$fp = fopen ($filename,a);
fwrite($fp,$ info);
//Timed jump page function 1000 is time, 1 second, you can customize
function redirect($url)
echo "
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